50,000+ UK Covid deaths.

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27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Sad news indeed but I wouldn’t mind betting it’s brought a satisfying smirk onto the faces of a few members of this forum. :(
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Sad news indeed but I wouldn’t mind betting it’s brought a satisfying smirk onto the faces of a few members of this forum. :(
Oh do **** off.

In more detail: Using the deaths of 50,000 people as a way to be mean about people who disagree with you is very low.
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Although deaths happening in this second wave are of course very sad, it's good that the NHS are now able to treat patients so much better with all the knowledge that's been gained.

Sadly there are lots of people who will suffer the afteraffects of Covid for many years. Some like Kate Garraways husband may never recover......although has spoken his first words recently after 7 months in a coma
People who had covid and recovered but later died from something else were recorded as covid deaths FFS.
Sad news indeed but I wouldn’t mind betting it’s brought a satisfying smirk onto the faces of a few members of this forum. :(

What a repellent fellow mottie is.
My daughters boyfriends 103 year old grandad was in hospital with heart problems. Tested twice for Covid while in there, both tests negative. Yet when he died in hospital, Covid was still mentioned on the death certificate.
What a repellent fellow mottie is.
Have I hit a nerve there? Perhaps you’ll balance it out with all those good news stories you keep posting eh? No, didn’t think so.
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My daughters boyfriends 103 year old grandad was in hospital with heart problems. Tested twice for Covid while in there, both tests negative. Yet when he died in hospital, Covid was still mentioned on the death certificate.



There are just too many uninformed people who now are world leading medics, coroners, epidemilogists, trade experts, economists, virologists etc.
Not after 28 days.
On the BBC N.I. a few days ago, they reported that the youngest person in N.I. to die of Covid was only 19.
It was headlines in the local papers.
It was being discussed on radio when the boy's father rang in to inform those who were discussing the case that his son didn't die of Covid.
His son had tested positive 3 weeks previously but his actual cause of death was an underlying condition .
At the time of his death he had tested negative for Covid.
Because he had died within 28 days of testing positive he is recorded as a Covid statistic.
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