Covid cases Hospital Admissions & Deaths Rising - Should Masks Return?

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Sorry Notch, hope you feel better soon. I'm a renowned expert on covid and can confidently say you have greater than a 99.99% chance of survival.

(I won't gloat about you getting it after lecturing everyone about how effective the vaccines, masks and lockdowns are).

Many thanks (y)

I do feel pretty sh1t, it’s all very tedious.

I’m a little concerned for my mother in law who has it too, she is 78, ironically she had her 4th jab last Sat, same day where her daughter got a positive test.
True dat. It'll serve to keep moron deniers, anti-jabbers and those who are frightened of needles from leaving these shores. Too much paperwork for thickos.(y)

You can catch covid even with the vaccines, masks and holier-than-thou attitude. Then you won't be allowed on a plane or be admitted to Bongoland.
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Is that Bongoland, or the Bojo Bongo-Bongoland?
You can catch covid even with the vaccines, masks and holier-than-thou attitude

But you are less likely to spread the disease, less likely to become ill, much less likely to become seriously ill, and very much less likely to die.

What leads you to prefer the more risky option?
Blimey that's quite a revelation

You don't understand the context. Noseall simplistically thinks that now he's had the vaccine he is allowed to go anywhere at any time because he has done such a great and good thing. He doesn't understand, poor fellow, that new, costly and restricting rules are being made against us all the time, and that the more of these rules we accept the more will be made.
Is Covid largely over? Went into a McDonalds yesterday to get a coffee. All the screens on counter have been removed and no staff wearing masks any more. Can this be taken as a reliable indication that it's not the threat it was?
I'm just getting over covid and how it gums up the top of lungs plus makes you feel unwell is not nice.
Comes and goes in 4 ish days although I'm still not right on day 10.
Second time in 2 years I've had it but I think that people have thrown in towel and just getting on with life, even with 4.5m inflected but that will drop .
People are more worried about cost of living and Russia although interest in that has fallen off. Mass hysteria over covid for last two years finally over with normal life but many off work sick I guess
Is COVID over? Still more than 100 deaths a day, infection rate in Yorkshire yesterday quoted as 1 in 13, NHS cancelling ops due to staff illness and patient illness on the increase - yes, sure...
Is COVID over? Still more than 100 deaths a day, infection rate in Yorkshire yesterday quoted as 1 in 13, NHS cancelling ops due to staff illness and patient illness on the increase - yes, sure...
its not over

infection rates around here were up at about 1000/ 100k -similar to jan peak last year

I'm just getting over covid now, even when considered "mild" its still pretty nasty, I still feel a bit sh1t TBH
Wasn't it all made up then? I thought Boris invented it in a Chinese lab so him and his mates could sell a load of masks and vaccines to people. I'm pretty sure there was an article on it written by that facebook covid expert. Can't think of his name now - you know him, the one that caught covid and died.
Seen what they're doing in SHanghai? Locked down so tight people can't get food or water, , anyone suspected of being positive is banged up in a mass pigpen looking place. ZERO deaths. Is that propaganda to say they're on top of it?

I don't know how full their hospitals are, but if they're managing and the vast majority can cope with a couple of days off and paracetamol, just carrying on and getting over it might be better..
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