80mph limit on motorways.

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Half these accidents on roads being motorways or urban roads happen cause people don't read the road they see to the end of their bonnet and thats it.
Martian, this link although not definitive and of limited use without facts and figures suggests that the Germans who you refer to aren't much different to us. I suspect that there are several other factors at play which makes a driver more likely to make a mistake/misjudgement including weariness due to having to sit in traffic for longer and traffic "density". Increasing the speed is madness - we should be getting people off the road for "fast" journeys.
There are only a few F1 drivers who are at the top of their game. Your Mum will never have that skill level no matter how much teaching she has.

And your F1 analogy is good because the usual time you see F1 cars crash is when they are at speed, overtaking and there is a speed differential.

How many F1 cars have crashed and drivers been killed on the parade lap?
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Yes it does because reaction time is down and stopping distance is up.

and a bad decision based on the above is the cause of an accident, the speed (60/80/100/120) is irrelevant!!

if you pull out on a tractor at the wrong moment you cause an accident !!!

Yes and the greater the speed of the car hitting that tractor the greater the carnage. Gedditt yet? :rolleyes:

Joe ffs i agree with this.... a car hitting a wall at 1million mph will atomise... but travelling 1million mph more than a wall doesn't cause you to crash !!!!! :rolleyes:
It doesn't give you much reaction time either.
As before most (Who are capable of the speed or choose to do it) do now anyway travel at that speed or more.
There are no more accidents because of it.

The F1 comparison is a bit off, yes they are at speed. Both cars going for the racing line, not a day to day thing on a motorway is it.

The nail has been hit on the head and it is anticipation, reading the road.
That or rather the lack of it is the biggest cause not the speed.
It doesn't give you much reaction time either.

so it increases the chances of you making a bad decision... but it's the bad decision which causes the crash !!

No. The problem is that human capability cannot be increased to cope with the shorter and more critical reaction time. Therefore the faster you travel the more likely you will make a mistake. Lets increase the speed to 350mph - but the cars is still controlled by the same human with a brain operating at the same speed as it does at 70mph. If cars were human-less there wouldn't be a problem with higher speeds - but we can't operate our brains at higher speeds and that is the crux of the issue.

Martian. If you and your family were involved in a motorway pile up, would you rather it be at 70 mph or 80 mph. Personally I'd rather see the limit reduced to 60 mph. If you are in a hurry then leave home earlier.
It doesn't give you much reaction time either.

so it increases the chances of you making a bad decision... but it's the bad decision which causes the crash !!

No. The problem is that human capability cannot be increased to cope with the shorter and more critical reaction time. Therefore the faster you travel the more likely you will make a mistake. Lets increase the speed to 350mph - but the cars is still controlled by the same human with a brain operating at the same speed as it does at 70mph. If cars were human-less there wouldn't be a problem with higher speeds - but we can't operate our brains at higher speeds and that is the crux of the issue.

Martian. If you and your family were involved in a motorway pile up, would you rather it be at 70 mph or 80 mph. Personally I'd rather see the limit reduced to 60 mph. If you are in a hurry then leave home earlier.

you're changing the parameters, and getting all emotive by involving family and stuff.... rather than admit you're wrong.

we are talking the DIFFERENTIAL of speed.... aren't we? so the difference between 80mph and lorries doing 58mph - that was your original comment !!

you say this causes accidents....

i disagree....

so no need to talk about the human brain coping with 350mph (which it can,funnily enough,try the MIG-25 or the SR-71 as simple examples...)
so no need to talk about the human brain coping with 350mph (which it can,funnily enough,try the MIG-25 or the SR-71 as simple examples...)

When did you last see one of those lane changing on the motorway?

You are wrong and you know it.

The human is the weak link, and the way you are carrying on is like the 'missing link'.
What imamartian is saying is 100% correct.

Joe, your comments on speed and diff speed are valid points and do have contributing factors, but the main reason is driver awareness, weather and vehicle condition.

The speed limit increase to 80mph is a good thing to bring in.
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