dear, dear Moz, even though you didn't read my post properly and thought I was suggesting that news of Maria's tragic, sudden and untimely death was a wind-up, I am still totally 'on your side' and very anxious to keep up with the news and know that you are working through. Could I ask you (and all the other 'friends of Moz' ) to post everything about your personal circumstances on this thread ? If 'news' is scattered about all the different threads your friends may not keep up with events.....
What you said about being able to talk safely and 'anonymously' on the forum about everything and anything, instead of keeping it spiralling - dangerously and fruitlessly - around in your head is so valid. Also the fact that your cyber-friends can say things to you online that they would hesitate to say to your face may hopefully strike the right chord.
I hope Wendy will decide that the wellbeing of any future offspring is paramount. Current research says that the mother drinking
any alcohol while pregnant leads to low-weight births. A daily bottle of Pinot Grigio - the mind boggles: a half kilo baby ?
Do your very best Moz. But don't expect Wendy to make all the sacrifices - returning to Manchester from the Carribean was already a big leap of faith. There are two people in this partnership. You have to pull your weight too.
Remember, we really do care out here. You will have heard of 'tough love'...