Condescending behaviour

After one had apologised as best one can

And some one continues to be aggressive

Tell em to go and do one but make sure you have the upper hand or a fall back position

I have a van full equipment / tools to hand ;)
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After one had apologised as best one can

And some one continues to be aggressive

Tell em to go and do one but make sure you have the upper hand or a fall back position

I have a van full equipment / tools to hand ;)
Working Pickle Mews a posh business and residential refurbished/development.

Parked on said land to do job for a very demanding American woman called Sky.

I was asked (by management) to move my Van out of the the Mews and park opposite the Oval cricket ground in a church car park.

This was a 5 minute walk away. She was very polite but insisted it was that and no ifs or buts.

I said that I will pack my tools away and let her explain to the very American very demanding Sky why I had gone home.

She got back to her boss and I won the parking issue until the next day.
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Dont get mad get even, Mother in law used to live near a pub with no car park, she had a large drive, she was in hospital for quite a while so people used her drive for parking even though a chain was across and private signs , they just undid chain, bro in law and me got ****ed off stabbed 4 cars tyres on the side wall, probably 3/400 £ per car, the word soon got round , vengence
I just had a brilliant idea. I'm going to start a used car dealership on t'pub car park. What's to lose?
I own a house with a private access road and people on the main road are subject to council parking control. They have no problem with parking on the private access road, even though it has signage saying its private and parking is for residents only. Short of contracting parking cow boys, there isn't much that can be done. They even cheekily move rubbish bins out of the way.

Unless it becomes inconvenient, people will be cheeky.
That one's dead easy.

A resident puts their car so it's blocking the lane and they can't get out. Then they leave it there 8 hours.

You can guarantee they won't do it again!
Hi Guys
I have something on my mind and I can’t shake it off.

Today I went with my son to look at some vinyl flooring. We parked in a private car park nearby.There were signs notices up that only customers to the business may park there etc, We were in the wrong and shouldn’t have parked there, but we risked it as we were only going to be a short while, We returned to the car after 10 minutes and there was a sticker on the car warning next time will be fined etc. then this guy comes charging after us ‘Is this your car?’it’s private car park ‘ My son apologised and said he wouldn’t park there again. That should have been the end, but the man just wouldn’t let it go and he was right in my son’s face ‘You knew you shouldn’t park there, got notices up, it clearly says no parking’ in the end to get rid of him my son said ‘Yes I did know’ to which the guy said ‘right’ and finally marched off.

Have any of you experienced patronising behaviour and how did you deal with it?
I think we’ve all done it or very similar. I wouldn’t let it bother you anymore.
not sure really, i thought patronizing was insincere back handed agreeing with you in a condescending manner
now not in the least disagreeing with you as i am a simple soul who likes to help ----- but to be arrogant hitler type came to mind [sorry about any offence caused ]
No offence caused and I thank you for your time. He was patronising in the sense that he didn’t even look at me and acted like he was superior to me. Okay maybe it’s still the wrong choice of word.
No offence caused and I thank you for your time. He was patronising in the sense that he didn’t even look at me and acted like he was superior to me. Okay maybe it’s still the wrong choice of word.
I think if you knowingly take a chance on parking on someone else's land despite them making it obvious that they have strong objections then you accept that they can talk to you however the heck they like.

Clearly there is or has been an issue, which has bothered them - that's why the signs are there. You stabbed their sore spot, so expect to get a mouthful. For all you know, they may have turned away a truckload of deliveries that couldn't get into their yard because of your selfishness.

Just be grateful they didn't have civil parking enforcement there. Then you'd be dealing with gangsters who you definitely wouldn't answer back to, and they'd want a substantial wad of cash rather than just an apology. Which you would have to pay, despite internet myths claiming otherwise.

Think of this as a learning experience, park somewhere further away that doesn't cause issues next time.
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