Conservative Party Support dying off

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
We all know that Conservative voters are predominantly older people, especially those over retirement age.

The demographic is worse for the Party than we thought:

"The Conservatives received twice as much money last year from the wills of deceased supporters than it did from living members"

Deceased Conservative Party members donated more money to the party than living members in 2017

Conservative membership payments have halved to only £835,000, whereas legacies left by dead members have seen a rise"

"In contrast Jeremy Corbyn saw record fundraising for Labour as nearly £56million came in."
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"In contrast Jeremy Corbyn saw record fundraising for Labour as nearly £56million came in."

And yet MPs gave him a vote of no confidence.....

Still he is romping ahead in the polls, isnt he?

how long ago was that?

Was it before his support became obvious and undeniable?


even from opponents...

how long ago was that?

It doesnt matter, momentum havent been able to get rid of many MPs, so they are still there, biding their time. Or like Margaret Hodges case, using a platform to fight back because JC has too many dodgy skeletons
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It doesnt matter

deceitful notch knows the true answer shows him up, so he avoids it.

Ha Ha
No answer....
you haven't provided an answer
Are you unable to answer the question?
Its not a hard question, but you seem to find it hard to answer
If you think you know the answer, provide it

Does anybody want to see one of Theresa's "cheering" "crowds?"
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deceitful notch knows the true answer shows him up, so he avoids it

just fact.

And the fact is Corbyn has a majority of Mps in his party that voted against him. The fact that it was a few years ago doesnt diminish the importance because they are mostly still there and will twist the knife when the opportunity arises.

Deceiptuf JohnD is in denial
7 months . the time Labour under Jeremy Corbyn would have to agree Brexit terms with the EU if he were to come to power .

21 Months . Time "so far" it has taken Labour under Jeremy Corbyn to try (fail) to agree definition of anti- Semitism :LOL::LOL:
avoider notch still squirming.

You can keep avoiding reality, its up to you.

It doesnt matter how long ago, the reality is that Corbyn only has the support of a minority of his party right now

Its a deeply split party.
You can keep avoiding reality, its up to you.

It doesnt matter how long ago, the reality is that Corbyn only has the support of a minority of his party right now

Its a deeply split party.

JohnD does not like the elderly , strange he supports Corbyn as he is an old Duffer o_O
I'd never vote conservative but as nice as Corbyn comes over, he isn't leadership material. They need someone else.
I'd never vote conservative but as nice as Corbyn comes over, he isn't leadership material. They need someone else.
But who?

Tbh I'm tired of the personality politics, rather just vote on the policies and I don't want anymore Tory austerity, privatisation and neo liberal ideology.

No wonder the public is split.
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