Dawning Reality...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
As Airbus says, ""We have sought to highlight our concerns over the past 12 months, without success. Far from Project Fear, this is a dawning reality for Airbus"...

Thus they have firm plans to pull out of the UK.

In addition the BofE has been given extra lending powers of £500bn (on top of the £250bn after the vote), but this falls eventually to the taxpayer!

And taxes will be rising to shore up the NHS, not all that 'money' from the 'magic red bus'.

Add in the divorce bill, and the sums are huge - all to 'save' about £8bn a year!

But when the jobs go, they won't come back!
And when the money is lent, it won't/can't be paid back!

If we no longer have the resources to remain a 'tier one' military power, then it stands to reason that relegation to 'tier two' economically is but a matter of time!

So what will it take to halt the madness?

PS. I've just spent a few days in my partner's country to find out where we stand residency wise, and got to have a quick chat with an official 'brexit co-ordinator'.

They are quite happy to keep existing arrangement going with the UK, but that has been scuppered by our side!

In addition they have advanced plans to pull out some assets immediately on a hard Brexit, and run down commercial links.

If this is the approach that the rest of Europe is taking, then UK PLC is well and truly stuffed!
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And it is the tip of the iceberg. More large corp's will follow.

Who cares, we are taking back control. Dumb quitter mantra.
Hold on...
There is no divorce bill AND no deal. Plus Airbus is 25% state owned by Spain, Germany and France. and I think they said they were off, if there was no deal, not we are off because of Brexit.
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I think we have to go back a bit..
1. Why are they saying this? - to put pressure on the govt to align itself to suit Airbus
2. what happens in a no deal Brexit - trade war and collapse of EU budgets etc. etc. It might be asymmetrical, but it wont be unilateral.

If Britain becomes a 3rd country then anyone who uses parts manufactured in the UK over a certain %age will be subject to tariffs. If that happens, the UK government will apply tariffs for goods that don't. Why do you think Airbus has a manufacturing plant in the US?
what happens in a no deal Brexit - trade war and collapse of EU budgets etc. etc. It might be asymmetrical, but it wont be unilateral.

Actually we revert to WTO rules, which means tariffs are imposed and reciprocal.

No-one wins!

The facts didn't stop Mogg lying again though!

Why are they saying this? - to put pressure on the govt to align itself to suit Airbus

I believe in technical terms it's called 'pointing out the bleeding obvious'!
What happens when we revert to WTO? Well there will be border checks and supply chains will seize up. Corps will decide whether to remain in the UK. What will keep them in lowering taxes to an extent public finances will be destroyed and education and healthcare will take the brunt. So we will be the sick and dumb man of Europe but free?

The pound will collapse so everything we import will rocket up but then our exports though they are cheaper will face tariffs - if you wrote this as an economics assignment you would get an F but these people are running the country.
Off they go then. Bye bye, ta ta. lets hope they take you bunch of with them.
Off they go then. Bye bye, ta ta. lets hope they take you bunch of with them.

Whats going to replace these well paid jobs in the secondary sector we need?

How is losing tens of thousands of jobs in manufacturing is something to be proud of?
We established long ago that Brexiteers don't care.

"Brexit: Majority of older Leave voters say significant economic damage is 'price worth paying', finds YouGov
71 per cent of over-65s would accept a big economic hit – and half are willing for family members to lose their jobs"


"Most Leave voters say that “significant damage” to the economy is a “price worth paying” for Brexit, underlining the sharp political divides in the UK and the difficulty facing pro-EU advocates.Polling by YouGov found that a large proportion of the public did not prioritise economic considerations in the referendum to leave the EU."

"61% of all Brexit-backers believe that significant damage to the British economy would be a "price worth paying for Brexit," according to the new
YouGov poll.
A further 39% of all Leave voters would also be willing for their own family members to lose their jobs as a price for Brexit, with just 38% opposed.
Among all those expressing a preference, the proportion of Brexit voters who are content for relatives to be made unemployed rises to 51%."


This may be insane, but looking at the world through pete's hate-filled eyes, it might make sense.
We established long ago that Brexiteers don't care.

"Brexit: Majority of older Leave voters say significant economic damage is 'price worth paying', finds YouGov
71 per cent of over-65s would accept a big economic hit – and half are willing for family members to lose their jobs"


"Most Leave voters say that “significant damage” to the economy is a “price worth paying” for Brexit, underlining the sharp political divides in the UK and the difficulty facing pro-EU advocates.Polling by YouGov found that a large proportion of the public did not prioritise economic considerations in the referendum to leave the EU."

"61% of all Brexit-backers believe that significant damage to the British economy would be a "price worth paying for Brexit," according to the new
YouGov poll.
A further 39% of all Leave voters would also be willing for their own family members to lose their jobs as a price for Brexit, with just 38% opposed.
Among all those expressing a preference, the proportion of Brexit voters who are content for relatives to be made unemployed rises to 51%."


This may be insane, but looking at the world through pete's hate-filled eyes, it might make sense.

Thats unbounded idiocy. The worse it becomes the more they will dig in their entrenched opinion so they will happily let everything collapse because it was all worth it. Young people will have the start realisation that better opportunities are abroad.

So tell me Brexitters what is the contingency plan?
Damage the British economy? Fine, says Pete

One the one hand they say they care about the UK, then they want to destroy its economy. They argue that we just need to get rid of these pesky foreigners and these jobs will then be available to the Brits who don't want to work in these low paid jobs.
It is not really the fault of brexiteers - whatever stupid things they say.

It is the fault of M.P.s who have decided to carry out a policy which they believe is NOT in the best interest of the country contrary to their duty.

I remind you that only TEN Conservative M.P.s were for Brexit before the referendum.

I would like to know WHY they are doing it.
It is not satisfactory to say that's what the people voted for.
They (apart from the ten) should not be doing it.
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