Do you believe that ESP exists? Do you believe that animals have ESP?



How is it that dogs and cats frequently have been documented getting excited about someone coming miles before they arrive?
How is it explained when you think of someone and at that very precise moment they phone you?
Have you ever been sitting comfortably when animals look around the room as if they're following someone or have seen someone? How is this explained?
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Yes. ESP does happen. The brain, both in humans and animals, does an enormous amount of work in the subconscious mind analysing the information it receives without presenting the results of that analysis to the conscience mind. But the subconscious mind does alter the way the person reacts to the situation.

How is it that dogs and cats frequently have been documented getting excited about someone coming miles before they arrive?

They may detect the emotions of the humans who are expecting the visitor(s).

Humans and animals are able to detect and react to pheromones that they recognise.

Two teenage lovers were separated when the Berlin Wall was built and they lost contact. A year or so after the Wall came down Ursula, now a widow, went on holiday to a hotel and within hours of being there she felt sexually aroused without any obvious reason for it. Unknown to Ursula her long lost boyfriend was staying in the hotel. They did eventual recognise each other and within months of that meeting they were married.
Many animals have an extremely acute sense of smell, so if the wind is in the right direction they could pick up a familiar scent from many miles away.
How is it that dogs and cats frequently have been documented getting excited about someone coming miles before they arrive?
How is it explained when you think of someone and at that very precise moment they phone you?
Have you ever been sitting comfortably when animals look around the room as if they're following someone or have seen someone? How is this explained?

I had a feeling you were going to post this thread.
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Many animals have an extremely acute sense of smell, so if the wind is in the right direction they could pick up a familiar scent from many miles away.

I think there are probably reasons like this behind all of the ESP experiences. Also given the many billions of interactions and thoughts going on all the time a lot of it must be sheer coincidence.
Apparently déjà vu has been explained by the brain misfiling a short term memory into the brains long term memory. Which is a bit boring!
my dog was sitting in the middle of the lawn a few minutes ago ....then she started barking
at the identical moment somebody was walking past with 2 dogs on the lead

she does this quite often, I struggle to see how she could know.
Most things could probably be better described as super sensory perception. Though there are loads of stories of people who have a close relationship, twins quite often, having an alarm go off in their head if something perilous is happening to their other half. Though I have no idea if there's any science at all behind it.
Our dog has suddenly started to react and bark to a particular ad on TV, which ends with a dog in the picture. The dog on screen makes no noise and she has never taken an interest in what is happening on the screen. A previous dog we had did watch the screen and always took an interest in any sheep on screen. The Specsavers ad, where the farmer was sheering sheep and went on to sheer his border collie, used to drive her wild. All of our dogs have been BC's.
Back in the days when I commuted, I had no set time for leaving work & arriving home at any particular time. My ex-missus swore blind that our dog knew when I'd left the office, she'd get up on a chair back & stare out the window, sure enough 30-35mins later my car pulled up.
Dork's big sis is a professional medium, she tries (coughs) to keep it low key, but she's in much demand on the 'medium' circuit & if you into all that ****e then you probably heard her talk.

She isn't a medium.

I was talking to a padraic groundworker on one of the sites, one of the older ones who used their brain rather than their youth & muscle to earn good money on the job. This chap is now my main source of Poteen ! I'd brought him some drain stoppers from a hire shop & one of them was brand new, I recall mentioning it was brand new & said "don't think you're special". He visibly changed & went white as a ghost, it was like I'd pulled his trousers down & slapped his bare arse. The immediate thing that entered my head was "your mum used to say that to you didn't she".

Big sis says I'm the medium?
My folks used to run a pub, it closed on weekdays at 10 30, my faithful mongrel used to sleep at the end of my bed but at 11 pm when everyone had gone home he used to trot downstairs and sit at the door waiting to be let out for his constitutional, my mum reckoned he could tell the time, but it was probably the cessation of noise from the bar that gave him a signal
A previous dog we had did watch the screen and always took an interest in any sheep on screen. The Specsavers ad, where the farmer was sheering sheep and went on to sheer his border collie, used to drive her wild. All of our dogs have been BC's.
That's a good advert though
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