Dodgy Sue

How's your blood pressure these days Nosey? Serious question, you seem to be in a permanent rage these days.
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When I did a speed awareness course we we're told that we would go out with a assessor who was a trained driving instructor and then go into the classroom and do the theory and then go out again with the same trained driving instructor and we were told that if we didn't show any signs of improvement in our driving technique then we would get the three points on our licence anyway and have to pay the fee for the speed awareness course.
Which is b*s*

Nothing stops them from prosecuting you if you do attend and are a model pupil. It's just guidelines.

There are different courses for different situations. But also the courses have evolved since they started. I was involved in motorbike training before the whole lot went commercial. It was a 1 day course with 2 to 3 riders per instructor, from memory they were charged £55 if they volunteered and more if it was to dodge points. I worked directly with local plod. Now the whole thing has been outsourced to commercial orgs.

There isn't much you can cover in a day, but they normally started with a grump on and went home having learned something. If I could stop them taking racing lines on bends and be more aware of hazards I was happy.

Speed awareness is all class room now and it's just the normal speed kills BS to scare you in to driving slower. given most people don't do any training after the driving test, its still useful for a lot. But you could cover so much more. The videos we used to show for BikeSafe were really good.
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I won't bother reading to the end of this discussion, I don't care one jot about her asking someone to arrange for her to have a 1 to 1 course, I'm sure many others have asked the same thing.
I don't see it as a breach of anything, she is in a position of power, a high ranking polly-tician and yes I think she ought to have been able to do a private course esp when they were done online because someone would have been recording it had she not.
The course is designed to embarrass you and a recording of that would not bear well when it gets leaked.

It's a storm in a teacup led by the media, not worth the wear on my keyboard for even typing this.
Which is b*s*
Not sure what you're saying.

What I said is true.

We were all surprised to say the least, but felt like we had to go ahead with it, or end up losing the £120 cost of the SAC AND have 3 points loaded onto our licences.
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I suppose you'd be happy to have her speeding again as soon as she sits in another motor, seeing as it's not that harsh a punishment, having a one-to-one. :rolleyes:
And sitting in a room with a dozen other people is so much more harsh a punishment .
Not sure what you're saying.

What I said is true.

We were all surprised to say the least, but felt like we had to go ahead with it, or end up losing the £120 cost of the SAC AND have 3 points loaded onto our licences.
No I'm not saying you were B*Sing, I'm saying the person who told you this was.
Speed awareness is all class room now and it's just the normal speed kills BS to scare you in to driving slower. given most people don't do any training after the driving test, its still useful for a lot. But you could cover so much more. The videos we used to show for BikeSafe were really good.
I prefer to think that it's all about showing you there are consequences of inappropriate speed . . . . Other than speed awareness courses & points on your licencse !
It would be nice if the trainers understood the difference, but they typically don't.

Going back to the OP, it would have made sense to give her a private course for the appropriate fee. She would have been a massive distraction to the course and would not have been able to participate properly.
No I'm not saying you were B*Sing, I'm saying the person who told you this was.
Got you.

I must say, I have only seen this situation once. I have been on two SACs, the other was entirely classroom-based.
Others I have spoken to have not experienced any kind of practical tests.
It's a storm in a teacup led by the media, not worth the wear on my keyboard for even typing this.
She wanted to be treated differently because of who she is, nobody is above the law. A one to one online or in person is just as likely to be recorded and leaked which is a separate civil/criminal offence. Avoiding adverse publicity is not the right of an ordinary citizen and shouldn't be for her. I’m still waiting for all the FPN spads who broke lockdown at number 10 to be named and shamed.

Got you.

I must say, I have only seen this situation once. I have been on two SACs, the other was entirely classroom-based.
Others I have spoken to have not experienced any kind of practical tests.
Yep - The crime is where all the money goes. Most of it is p*** away on admin, much like the scamera-partnerships, before they were defunded.

In the early days it was delivered by hobby jobbers, RoSPA Golds, IAMers, ex class 1s, retired plod etc. now I don't believe there is specific pre-requirement.

Funnily enough, I suspect the person who did the on-road driver training, probably committed an offence in doing so.
A one to one online or in person is just as likely to be recorded and leaked which is a separate civil/criminal offence.

Off-topic, but my credit card was cloned last week.

While mentioning it in the pub on the weekend, a mate said his had been done too, a while ago.
Best of it was, by the female who'd took his CC payment for his speed awareness course :ROFLMAO:

The CC company was able to track it quite easily, because my mate had only used the CC for that one transaction.

She had spent thousands online, before his card was stopped.

Couldn't have been the sharpest tool in the box, that one.:rolleyes:
Off-topic, but my credit card was cloned last week.

While mentioning it in the pub on the weekend, a mate said his had been done too, a while ago.
Best of it was, by the female who'd took his CC payment for his speed awareness course :ROFLMAO:

The CC company was able to track it quite easily, because my mate had only used the CC for that one transaction.

She had spent thousands online, before his card was stopped.

Couldn't have been the sharpest tool in the box, that one.:rolleyes:
How did they do that?
I use a case that's meant to stop them being scanned but how does cloning work?
How did they do that?
I use a case that's meant to stop them being scanned but how does cloning work?

I don't know.

My CC provider (fraud dept) said it might have been a website compromise.
Apparently, the bugger had added my CC to a Google Wallet or ApplePay account, and was trying to use it through that...........

All Dutch to me though.
I suppose you'd be happy to have her speeding again as soon as she sits in another motor, seeing as it's not that harsh a punishment, having a one-to-one.
Won’t get the chance of another course in that situation. Depending on how much over the limit you were, you only get the option of a course every 2 or 3 years. Get caught again in that time and there is no more options - it’s a fine and points.
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