Dodgy Sue

Diddums if the woman doesn't like her punishment and has to slum it with the great unwashed. Apologists like you and gassy would have serious criminal Tory offenders locked away in some cushy hotel with room service.

I suppose you'd be happy to have her speeding again as soon as she sits in another motor, seeing as it's not that harsh a punishment, having a one-to-one. :rolleyes:

What you will find is the doff-your-cap brigade on here will defend and explain away anyone who is powerful bending and breaking the rules for example Bojo as it's what they do and what you should come to expect, but if some poor sap tries the same they will all collectively break out in glee reveling in the persons misfortune.

They are nothing more than well trained dogs and punch down and never up. Watch them look up at their masters with puppy dog eyes but turn into rottweilers when it's someone poor.
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Why should celebrities be offered private speed awareness at the appropriate fee and not high profile politicians?

It is not a punishment - it's a training course. It is entirely supposed to be about changing your attitude to exceeding speed limits.

Remember speed limits are no longer set with safety in mind. That hasn't been the case since 2006

Stop being a blinkered leftie looking to hate everything the other side does.
Why should celebrities be offered private speed awareness at the appropriate fee and not high profile politicians?

It is not a punishment - it's a training course. It is entirely supposed to be about changing your attitude to exceeding speed limits.

Remember speed limits are no longer set with safety in mind. That hasn't been the case since 2006

Stop being a blinkered leftie looking to hate everything the other side does.

There you have it.

So politicians are equated to celebs now?

She abused her position plain and simple. She wanted to hide the fact of her conviction. This is her level of duplicity.

She is Home Sec about time she set an example instead of trying to worm her way out of this.

She has been sacked once and will be again - will she ever learn.
Speed awareness is a training course not a conviction
She was highly likely to be a disruption if she attended.
Given that she accepted 3 points and paid the fine, instead of doing the training, she actually hasn't avoided any punishment.

She will get sacked and it will be a good thing. Tories need fewer righties playing in to the hands of angry lefties.
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No, YOU are.
Diddums if the woman doesn't like her punishment and has to slum it with the great unwashed.
Think Kier would be any different re plumbers re builders.

Speed awareness is a training course not a conviction
She was highly likely to be a disruption if she attended.
Given that she accepted 3 points and paid the fine, instead of doing the training, she actually hasn't avoided any punishment.

She will get sacked and it will be a good thing. Tories need fewer righties playing in to the hands of angry lefties.

So why was she put in this position again when you knew of her past? What poor judgement.

What I do not like about the current Tory Government is there idiotic economic policy.
She will get sacked and it will be a good thing. Tories need fewer righties playing in to the hands of angry lefties.
Her real offence is stealing the headlines as the PM was announcing the news of the £18bn investment by Japan post brexhit. Plus calling for more Brits to train as lorry drivers and fruit pickers when Rishi (the hard line leaver) was relaxing immigration controls to allow more foreign workers in to help.

As with the Watergate or Trump Stormy Daniels issues, Braverman's problem is not so much the Crime, but the attempt to cover it up.

Nixon might have got away with the bugging if he hadn't tried to manipulate the investigation.

Trump didn't want his payout to Daniels showing on his books, so committed a couple of crimes of false accounting /tax fraud to hide the payments.

Braverman should have just turned up at the awareness course.
She is prohibited to ask civil servants to do stuff for her in a personal capacity.
Her SPAD then attempted to speak to the driving course and used her position as an excuse for privacy. An offence under the rules.
The SPAD did this several times (apparently) and then denied that she had been spreading.
So why was she put in this position again when you knew of her past? What poor judgement.

What I do not like about the current Tory Government is there idiotic economic policy.
You seem to be confusing me with the prime minister.

I vote for the least stupid option. Jeremy Corbyn would have been a disaster and almost certainly resulted in a weaker economy, Russia consuming Ukraine, Covid still raging through the UK and the EU dictating the fees and penalties the UK must pay to rejoin the EU.
You seem to be confusing me with the prime minister.

I vote for the least stupid option. Jeremy Corbyn would have been a disaster and almost certainly resulted in a weaker economy, Russia consuming Ukraine, Covid still raging through the UK and the EU dictating the fees and penalties the UK must pay to rejoin the EU.
So you chose for the least stupid option at the referendum ?
Think Kier would be any different re plumbers re builders.

if he actually said that, he is an idiot.

Excellent public transport in Greater London?
Plumber use the bus just shows the intelligence of these politicians does he think a plumber just wanders about with a plunger in his hand turns out Lammy said much the same as well
No, YOU are.
Diddums if the woman doesn't like her punishment and has to slum it with the great unwashed. Apologists like you and gassy would have serious criminal Tory offenders locked away in some cushy hotel with room service.

I suppose you'd be happy to have her speeding again as soon as she sits in another motor, seeing as it's not that harsh a punishment, having a one-to-one. :rolleyes:

What a load of ball cocks from
Noseall ( as per usual )

Mind you it gives you an excuse to spew your hatred and bile

Not that you need an excuse

Jog on you nasty ignorant arrogant piece of work
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