ECIR Failed due to light pendant covering missing?

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23 Apr 2020
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

I recently had an EICR failed ('C2') due to my standard ikea pendant lights not having a cover - I have no idea what this means and frankly don't believe that a common ikea pendant light would fail such a test. There's a tiny bit of a gap between the ceiling and the base of the pendant.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to 'fix' this? I can't get it much closer to the ceiling purely because the hooks etc arent perfect. But I would have assumed this is 'OK" and maybe a recommended fix? Maybe I can continue arguing this with the supplier?

The response from the place that did this is below when I questioned it, they have been a nightmare.
"As per regulations this is a failed report as the light pendant doesn't have a cover foR it which classes it as a C2."



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Have them quote the specific part of the electrical regulation it failed.

Since the EICR has not already listed this is likely it's a totally rubbish EICR.

Post the actual EICR here with sensitive data blanked and the forum regulars will go to town!
Good question, I don't see it listed on the EICR as what regulation part it's failed - Makes no sense to me, how can a normal pendant light be classes as dangerous needing an urgent fix?

Posted pictures of the EICR..

There was a socket which was coming out from under the stairs which I agree wasn't safe, and I immediately removed it and isolated the wires after he mentioned it.

Funny thing is, when the electrician left, I asked and confirmed with him multiple times, and he said it was a pass. Then the main company comes back with a fail and all this nonsense. Without even checking the garden light, the engineer kept going on about its not properly IP rated. Not sure how he knows but taking a quick glance from the garden.

Also the EICR incorrectly classes my fuse box being inside a wooden stair case as needing immediate repair, when the electrician onsite told me its not safe and recommends it be updated in the next 5 years..


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The English in that report is utterly terrible.

I would write an email, asking them which scheme they are members of and lodging a formal complaint citing:

1. The poor English. It's just unprofessional and inexcusable. If they have been slapdash writing up the report, it suggests sloppiness on the site visit.

2. The inconsistencies between what you were told by the spark and what ended up on the report.

3. The lack of a regulation numbers being cited in respect of the C2 and the EFLI issue.

Ask them for a refund because that report is incomplete and inaccurate.
Its a made up report. The results are to perfect.

As for the observations

Item 1 - Incorrect.
Item 2 - OK. That would need to be replaced
Item 3 - Most pendants have live parts accessible without a tool so incorrect.
Item 3 - Zs test results all look OK, but one is missing.
Code C2 means protentialy dangerous, not does or does not comply with any regulation.

So an inspector can award a C2 and there is no real way to say he is wrong, the fact that 9 our of 10 inspectors would pass it makes no diffrence, I think it is daft, the goverment should have done the same as when they started the MOT and written their own book and licenced inspectors, but they didn't.

So inspectors can both pass items which most electrics would fail, and fail items most would pass and there is very little you can do.

You could complain to council, but would hold your breath. If the inspection is done as being a scheme member then you could complain to scheme provider, however in the main it is a case of getting some one who ticks the boxes as having the required skill to say they have corrected the faults.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but it is an English goverment mess up.

Most laws when passed are a bit open, and court cases develope case law, and over time the law is refined, but as yet there has not been many court cases to refine the law.
I would be interested to see what is actually behind that cover of the Ikea light.

Some of these things have an enclosed connector block, which may be perfectly acceptable without the cover.

These covers are inclined to slip down.

As for that report, don't pay for it.

The English is terrible, as is the spelling, so how can anyone make sense of it?

Any important document should be written with care, so why not this one?
I remember getting a shock from my father-in-laws lamp on his landing. It had a hook under the cover, which could easy be unhooked in error and end up being held up by wires, which had a single strand sticking out which caught me out.

It was a poor design, my lights the whole hook slides out, and it has a very positive connection, and even if knocked will not come off the hook, and I wired it all up on the floor, then lifted up and slid into place.

So I have to admit the light fitting shown could be protentialy dangerous, it could also be perfectly safe.
Sigh, after asking the below


Could you please let me know what part of the regulations have failed
due to the light pendant? Also can you please send me a corrected EICR
(even if failed) with the updated items to the above items I mentioned
in previous email? As I still need to send this on."

I'm getting "The regulations are covered in the engineers hand book, Is your local electrician is NICIE qualified?"

I asked for a updated EICR (Even if failed) to be re-sent with the corrected items, i.e the non 'cumbustable' fuse box being incorrectly listed as C2 etc, no response to this even though I have asked 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure what to do to be honest. I may have to go via credit card company, and then re-book this in ASAP with a more local electrician, house is due to be rented in 1.5 weeks so needed this ASAP. This initial one was done almost 3 weeks ago now!
I'm getting "The regulations are covered in the engineers hand book, Is your local electrician is NICIE qualified?"

I assume this Hannah (who is she?) means "Is your local electrician is NICIEC qualified?"
Which is a laugh. There is no such thing as an NICEIC qualification.

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