God does not exist - discuss

Call it what you like, but do you believe in it?
I don't know, I'd like to think that this brief four score years or so isn't all that life is.

However, whether there is a creator to it all which neatly fits into a definition of god which you seem to keep on harping on about is a different concept and is one which IMHO is of insignificant value or indeed purpose.

Whether this "god" has directed us to behave in some kind of conducive manner which necessitates some curious actions and setting up big buildings and attacking others who don't want to play ball in a particular way is a different issue. It's these forms of collective behaviour which I have considerable misgivings over and believe, ironically, has very little to do with the faith to which I'd be inclined to subscribe to.

I honestly don't believe that a god has ever come down in any form, nor has given messages to any prophet. Thus the concept of a formal religion is contradictory, irrelevant and unhelpful.
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We live in a very large housing estate that we call the milky Way, which in turn is part of a much larger place we call the universe. It all came from somewhere, as did we. We have no idea where or why but it's obvious that we did. We don't understand the universe, we don't understand the brain, we don't even understand how paracetamol works. It is therefore pointless saying what do beleive and don't believe as there is no rational thought behind the belief. We are better living a christian life and following christian beliefs. We have no way of knowing how much is accurate, but we are still better off with a moral code than without one. Atheism is a rabble and will lead to endless war and destruction.
We live in a very large housing estate that we call the milky Way, which in turn is part of a much larger place we call the universe. It all came from somewhere, as did we.

Let's call that somewhere wimpey. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mrgreen:
We live in a very large housing estate that we call the milky Way, which in turn is part of a much larger place we call the universe. It all came from somewhere, as did we. We have no idea where or why but it's obvious that we did. We don't understand the universe, we don't understand the brain, we don't even understand how paracetamol works. It is therefore pointless saying what do beleive and don't believe as there is no rational thought behind the belief. We are better living a christian life and following christian beliefs. We have no way of knowing how much is accurate, but we are still better off with a moral code than without one. Atheism is a rabble and will lead to endless war and destruction.
So you're basing your belief system on fallacies, defeatism, and falsehoods. Interesting.
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Oh my giddy *ant.*. why aren't you banned?


you are a forum whore, weak and worthless.. but ruinous..
That`s Aunt - and Joe may be a www.tom but he`s a damned sight more entertaining than the Whore of Babylon :cool:
I BELIEVE, that the UNIVERSE was created by Something, something that we do not fully understand, and because we do not fully understand, we term it as having been created by a Mighty Powerful God.

God is therefore a force, God is a Mighty Powerful master source of all Energies, yes logically then we can say that God created the universe and all life within.
JESUS was foretold hundreds of years before he came,in the book of ISAIAH , thats how the jews knew he was there messiah. but some rejected him.

Yes, the Jews believed that a messiah was going to come to save them.

Then Jesus turned up and Christianity was born.

However, both the Jews and 'those who we may not mention on this forum' believe he was just another prophet. The Jews believe that their messiah has still not turned up, and TWWMNMOTF believe that 'M' came along later and put everything right.

Of course, still it goes on: David Icke, I understand, was the latest messiah.

So who's right?

My personal opinion is that religions (all of them) were started primarily to keep people on the straight and narrow and to discourage misbehaviour.

Doesn't seem to be working, does it?
evidence of things seen,is evidence of things unseen.
Hmmm rather simplistic view there B&B If something is truly "unseen", then there's no evidence of it's existence. ;) ;)

yes its good to keep it simple, unseen, you cannot see air,but you breath it.
you cannot see the wind but you see the trees bend and sway,and the leaves
move. you cannot see God, but you can see the works of his hands.

You miss the point my friend... you need to give me repeatable, peer reviewable evidence,,, not just bendy trees !!!..

i remind me of doubting thomas.

Jesus Appears to Thomas

24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Well, that's cleared that little mystery up once and for all.
its not a fairy tail book,it is the word of God...
The bible also promotes slavery, murder, corporal punishment, capital punishment, subjugation of women, stoning to death of women, adultery, racism, paedophilia, mass slaughter of people and animals, incest, etc. Presumably you believe those things are the word of god as well?
It's you that has to prove there ISN'T a god. The evidence that there is, is all around you. You prove that you are not here.

Oh my giddy ant.. why aren't you banned?

You know the "burden of proof" concept, yet you continue to leach of others' posts.. you shouls get a life Joe.....

One minute you're hating the islamic ingress, and then slagging off atheists... yet not defining what you are...

you are a forum whore, weak and worthless.. but ruinous..

Says the poster that's been thanked four times and banned twice. :rolleyes: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
JESUS was foretold hundreds of years before he came,in the book of ISAIAH , thats how the jews knew he was there messiah. but some rejected him.
So you also believe what Nostrodamus has fortold?

its not a fairy tail book,it is the word of God,its the most sold book in the world,
If popularity is evidence, then do you also believe in other religous texts? Or Lord of the Rings?

and if its fairytail why is it banned in 150 countrys.
Many books have been banned. This is not evidence of its validity.

,its built and raised nations to greatness,its healed millions of broken familys, and lives, its healed , delivered , saved millions of lives.
It has broken families, caused untold numbers of deaths....
But "no one expected that"!
Because no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
it has hundreds of fullfilled fortold events. it has power,
And you evidence for this is where?

Religious people are no mroe moral, no less sexual (usually more), than athiests. Religion is simply "commodifying" (for want of a better word) (that what alrready exists in human nature.
sombrero , maybe you should refine your question as we have a pretty circular argument that could go on 'till the end of the universe :rolleyes:
Let's say for a moment that there is a God.
Perhaps the question should be " What form does God take?"
There seems to be some discrepancy amongst the believers on this forum. Breadnbutter and Norcon are saying that God is a sentient being or entity and has interacted with us as the Bible tells us . He is capable of emotions , love , jealousy and all the rest and talks to and cares for his "children".
Joe on the other hand tends to believe that God is some sort of energy that has created the matter we see around us. Plausible in many respects but hardly anything like the biblical God. This to me seems to say that Joe considers the Bible to be little more than a story book as this "energy" is simply that - energy , we may as well call electricity, gravity or nuclear bonds God. He even compounds this belief that God is not sentient by calling it Shirley , somewhat irreligious to say the least.
Mike seems to sway somewhere between the two ideas, but with the added advantage that he makes me laugh at times.
Could we all stop these endless God / religion *debates* they are utterly tedious. Live and let live.
No. The atheists need rescuing from themselves.
How about moving the discussion on a bit by looking for an explanation as to why the existence of a god seems to necessitate the need for any moral code. IMHO the two concepts are not as strongly dependent on each other as religionists think.
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