How did the protest votes go?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Sorry, I meant by-elections.

Edit: Oh, I see the protests have been made. All they have to do is repeat that in a GE. Anyone here prepared to stick their neck out and predict Labour to hold on to those seats in the GE?
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If they stay at home for this, won’t they stay at home for the GE. Far-rage/Reform talk a good game but knows their influence is limited as the tories have already shifted well to the right and run out of steam on policy.
Where's this Tories shifted to the right nonsense come from, never had such a liberal Conservative party.
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Where's this Tories shifted to the right nonsense come from, never had such a liberal Conservative party.
If you cant see that the Conservatives have shifted way to the right, you clearly arent paying attention
If you cant see that the Conservatives have shifted way to the right, you clearly arent paying attention
So you think Rwanda is a real policy and not just a cop out because they won't come out of the ECHR.
Where have they put a stop to knife crime, pinning pubescent girls down and putting chest binders on them with a hormonal drugs thrown in for good measure.
Highest taxes in their history.
A farcical brexit deal.
Climate change becoming the new modern day religion overriding everything based on common sense.
And Starmers the answer he will go with all that with knobs on.
The party is well and truly over...

Labour’s candidate, Gen Kitchen, won with 13,844 votes, beating the Conservatives’ Helen Harrison who received 7,408 votes in the largest swing from the Tories to Labour since 1994 and second-largest since the second world war. It was Labour’s fifth byelection gain from the Conservatives overall in this parliament. The party also gained a Tory seat in Kingswood, dealing a double blow to an embattled Conservative party that has lost 10 byelections in a single parliament, more than any government since the 1960s.

...Tories should be prepared to collect the empty bottles on their way out. :D
I heard Starmer on the TV this morning claiming that the reason for the wins was because of him and his policies and that he can put things right. So, no back pedaling. Yet!
Where's this Tories shifted to the right nonsense come from, never had such a liberal Conservative party.
The referendum brought them out of the woodwork. You must mean that bunch of lefty's in reform
A farcical brexit deal.
You just don’t learn, do you.

I’ve asked you numerous times what better Brexit deal you think the U.K. could’ve got and every time you fail to provide anything at all to back it up.

You really really want to believe in the Unicorn Brexit you were sold, so much you keep telling yourself it’s true.

When are you going to finally accept the truth?
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