I’m getting fed up with premium bonds.

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Yep. All quiet on the Gas front.
at least my misunderstanding of the governments dormant account policy has given you something to divert your attention away from your constant bragging about a mere 100k
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Yep. Perhaps you'll check your 'facts' first in future. Glad to have educated you. (y)
but still correct that people can lose savings as you admitted yourself , you never know we may get a government in the future that implements it ,
you may find yourself having to brag daily about 60k instead of 100k ;)
Not long now. Get ready........

well, they have already reduced the balance by the amount of my withdrawal. Should hit my bank about 3rd
i think the modern problem with savings and premium bonds along with other interest based investments is because the government has gone for quantitive easing [printing money ]any money you have from a year ago is now worth perhaps 3-8% less maybe even more i dont know :confused:
i think the modern problem with savings and premium bonds along with other interest based investments is because the government has gone for quantitive easing [printing money] any money you have from a year ago is now worth perhaps 3-8% less maybe even more i dont know :confused:

yes, with interest rates below inflation, you are guaranteed to lose value from your savings.

however this is not a "modern" problem.

A government with a large public debt often manages to inflate the currency until its debts shrivel up.

here's an 80p coin I found down the back of the sofa

yes, with interest rates below inflation, you are guaranteed to lose value from your savings.

however this is not a "modern" problem.

A government with a large public debt often manages to inflate the currency until its debts shrivel up.

here's an 80p coin I found down the back of the sofa


ok may be wrong description i remember driving a train between caterham and charring CROSS in 1992 and interest rates every 2 hours or so where raised perhaps 2 percentage points and eventually when something like 12% intrerest rates didnt work we left the erm
Nuffink for me, Nuffink for Mrs Mottie, Nuffink for our son, Nuffink for Mrs Motties mum, 2 X £25 for my mum. I blame Putin!
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