Jab Or No Jab?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Care workers no longer able to work after Midnight unless jabbed.

Many are forecast to leave their jobs.

Abuse of human rights?
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After midnight?

Are you sure?

"Health and social care providers in England will be required to ensure workers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless they are exempt, under plans announced by the Health and Social Care Secretary."

"The requirements will come into force in the spring, subject to the passage of the regulations through Parliament. There will be a 12-week grace period between the regulations being made and coming into force to allow those who have not yet been vaccinated to have both doses. Enforcement would begin from 1 April, subject to parliamentary approval.

This will allow time for health and social care providers to prepare and encourage workers uptake before the measures are introduced.

There is a longstanding precedent for vaccination in NHS roles. Workplace health and safety and occupational health policies are already in place to ensure those undertaking exposure-prone procedures are vaccinated against Hepatitis B – such as surgeons, because of the potential health risk."


Care workers no longer able to work after Midnight unless jabbed.

Many are forecast to leave their jobs.

Abuse of human rights?
Forced medication is indeed abuse!

Given that the jabbed are almost as likely to pass on the 'virus' as the unjabbed, then the jabbed shouldn't be worried anyway...

Jabbers preach that those who do not wish to take any one of the many 'virus' jabs at this time will block up the NHS

"The government itself predicts the loss of up to 70,000 care home workers because of its policy. This is in addition to existing vacancies in care which currently stand at more than 105,000."

This will mean a loss of one to one care in many circumstances, and a serious drop in other areas. And as the government has also admitted, some care homes will have to shut...

'Granny dumping' will probably be making a comeback fairly soon!

But this is nothing to the crisis that will happen in the spring when all social care workers and all NHS staff have to be jabbed...

At least they could retrain as lorry drivers, but then who knows where the end point of this forced jabbing will be!

The whole population with whatever is decreed to be 'necessary' at any point in time?
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That's interesting.

I see from the Unison website that:

"New regulations came into force on 22 July making Covid vaccination compulsory for those working in care homes from 11 November 2021. The last possible date for a first jab was 16 September to allow staff to receive both doses by this date. Mandatory vaccination regulations don’t apply to care homes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland."
Forced medication is indeed abuse!
What about forced DBS checks for those working with young and/or vulnerable people? Abuse and invasion of privacy or necessary to ensure protection for those under their care?
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I wonder if "Anti" campaigners like Ellal will accept any responsibility for the results of their dishonest scaremongering and deliberate misinformation.
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But this is nothing to the crisis that will happen in the spring when all social care workers and all NHS staff have to be jabbed...
Looks like you'll have a couple of unemployed lodgers then if they follow your lead - unless they are capable of individual thought and go against the grain! Do let us know how it all turns out. :)
i wonder how many of those advocating that you must be jabbed or be sacked will be prepared to give up their own jobs and take up a lowly paid job and wipe their own relatives and loved ones ar5es they are so worried about .
Care workers no longer able to work after Midnight unless jabbed.

Many are forecast to leave their jobs.

Abuse of human rights?
Allowing them to work whilst not vaccinated is abusing the rights of the ones they are supposedly caring for - good riddance to them
i wonder how many of those advocating that you must be jabbed or be sacked will be prepared to give up their own jobs and take up a lowly paid job and wipe their own relatives and loved ones ar5es they are so worried about .
What a stupid question.
Allowing them to work whilst not vaccinated is abusing the rights of the ones they are supposedly caring for - good riddance to them
so who is going to look after the ones they were caring for ?
What a stupid question.
Stupid in what way there will be no one to look after these people so explain who you think should look after these people after people have asked for carers to be sacked
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