Man made climate change

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Through out mankind's history the human race has thrived in warmer climates - seems to me that this is something that the elites do not want to happen.
good grief is your understanding of climate change that simplistic?

it is no surprise you are a target for gaslighting
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good grief is your understanding of climate change that simplistic?
No different from the rest of the human race probably.
The problem is that these climate scientists make assertions with a certainty that is unwarranted.
If the government changed from taxing non green options and made green options cheaper instead (not by increasing non green ) then that way maybe they would get more people onboard. Take the boiler tax that was going to add £120 to the cost of a gas boiler.
Well instead of that if the climate was the catastrophe that they claim then why don't the worlds governments just supply everyone with free solar and heat pumps and electric cars. But no - they decide to use the climate to take more tax - its become a cash cow for governments.

And the eco loons are useful idiots that have been radicalised by the government - which is why they are not being clamped down on. And actually in around about way are being funded by the Gov through Dale vince - the guy who owns wind farms was a big funder of just stop oil who gets millions in green subsidies from the Gov -- which WE pay for. Its like one massive ponzi scheme.
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If the government changed from taxing non green options and made green options cheaper instead (not by increasing non green ) then that way maybe they would get more people onboard. Take the boiler tax that was going to add £120 to the cost of a gas boiler.
Well instead of that if the climate was the catastrophe that they claim then why don't the worlds governments just supply everyone with free solar and heat pumps and electric cars. But no - they decide to use the climate to take more tax - its become a cash cow for governments.

And the eco loons are useful idiots that have been radicalised by the government - which is why they are not being clamped down on. And actually in around about way are being funded by the Gov through Dale vince - the guy who owns wind farms was a big funder of just stop oil who gets millions in green subsidies from the Gov -- which WE pay for. Its like one massive ponzi scheme.
Do you understand taxation ?

They have more sticks than carrots
Well instead of that if the climate was the catastrophe that they claim then why don't the worlds governments just supply everyone with free solar and heat pumps and electric cars

It's the obvious solution.
The problem is that these climate scientists make assertions with a certainty that is unwarranted.
The opposite is true. Climate scientists have a record of being over conservative with their prediction. The actual reports have % of likelihood of things happening, and contrary to what the media report, they under estimate:
Even things like pollen in the air can change the weather. As well as cosmic rays from billions light years away.
Free fix to it all? There have been estimates. Total cost £7.5b, £2.5b via the government. This well before inflation aspects kicked in. A rather broad estimation when actual prices of various things had not really been established. It may purely relate to heating or complete rubbish. Try dividing £5b by 1/2 the UK's population. ;) Sort of assuming 2 people per house. Or try some other number. The 2.5 would have to come from us anyway.
who wants hot food in the summer - so we will then also eat less meat and more salad - which we will finally be able to grow in this country

Everyone would just be BBQing all the time. The Aussies eat a lot more meat than us.
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