Mobiles & Driving - Another Rant.

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I've done this before & doutless I'll do it again.

I HATE with a passion people who drive with a mobile stuck to their ear.

I saw one again today, a posh Merc going very slowly, turns left without indicating. I sound my horn then see the driver yacking away without a care for anyone else.

The last time this happened, I wound down my window & told the driver I liked his new car,

"Must have cost a packet"

"Yeah, 45K"

"It cleaned out your bank account then?"

"No way!"

"Then why is it you can't afford a hands-free kit you muppet?"

Drives off...

I had a theory that people who bought expensive motors didn't want to carve up their interior with hard-wired kits. But these days, Bluetooth means very little intrusion in terms of fitting a car kit.

So the big question is:


Rant over.....for now!!
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i agree and undertand what you are saying, but have you ever tried a bluetooth hands free car kit? (not the little over the ear ones) I now have one they are terrible, i much prefered my "plug it in the holder" non blue tooth hands free car kit, but when you are not paying for it you dont argue
Oohhhhhh yes!

Maybe I'm just a "prol" at heart, but I always tend to notice big expensive motors have an endless array of optional extras fitted - but no indicators?

Had three RTA's so far (wood touched) - first two in wet, traffic queueing & driving too close, no excuse but strangely almost excusable. Last one (about 3yrs ago) I was on phone (tucked between ear & shoulder) not only saw it coming, but also had time to inform Mrs PJ (on t'other end) that I was about to have an accident.

Bizzarely enough, didn't seem to have time to brake/take evasive action, distracted I was, w***er I am.

Now have fag-lighter driven Bluetooth and all is well.
Yep phoning while driving is a massive bugbear of mine.

It really annoys me. Either get a handsfree, or ignore the call.

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pjholybloke said:
Bizzarely enough, didn't seem to have time to brake/take evasive action, distracted I was, w***er I am.
Honest you are. In Star Wars should you be.
I was once shunted up the rear end by an old bloke driving a white van while he was chatting on a mobile..... it was an accident waiting to happen to hindsight.

Ill never forget this.... After driving for 12 miles behind my Frontera, he got out of his van and (I swear this is the honest truth) said...

"Im sorry, i didnt seen you" :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:

The last time i looked, the americans didnt use medium sized off roaders as stealth vehicles.

Saying that, i have noticed how the cheaper a car is, the more likley the driver has a BT headset, and vice versa.
Only one thing worse :evil: a grey head behind the ear :eek:
securespark said:
I've done this before & doutless I'll do it again.

I HATE with a passion people who drive with a mobile stuck to their ear.

I saw one again today, a posh Merc going very slowly, turns left without indicating. I sound my horn then see the driver yacking away without a care for anyone else.

The last time this happened, I wound down my window & told the driver I liked his new car,

"Must have cost a packet"

"Yeah, 45K"

"It cleaned out your bank account then?"

"No way!"

"Then why is it you can't afford a hands-free kit you muppet?"

Drives off...

I had a theory that people who bought expensive motors didn't want to carve up their interior with hard-wired kits. But these days, Bluetooth means very little intrusion in terms of fitting a car kit.

So the big question is:


Rant over.....for now!!

TEA DO SMOME WINGEING SUREPRAT as soon has the law brings out a new law we have prats like this wingeing i bet it never bothered you untill they brought out this stuped law, its a crazy man why the hell not drive with one hand, how many of yea driven down the motor way with both hands on the wheel its bolacs

Why do you post such idiotic comments? You try to wind people up and dont succeed.

And in all honesty Im an idiot for replying...BUT me, the wife and our kids love your plain stupidity and we all have a BOB giggle on a regular basis.

And... do thay have these rules in Cuba?

Are you related to Grimley Fiendish per chance? Or are you just a plain twit with no understaning of our very fine vernacular (sic)


Soggy weetabix wrote.

Why do you post such idiotic comments?

I think your out of order there Soggy. It's Bobs right to make idiotic comments because he is an idiot. I for one will defend his right of free speech.
Would you criticise a cr***le for the way he walks, I don't think so.
In that case you should allow Bob the courtesy of making comments which he may think is relevant to a particular subject taking into account his affliction.
As a matter of fact I am surprised that Bob has not resorted to legal action for compensation for some of the hurtful remarks that have been to him on this forum.
Keep it up Bob you have lot more supporters than some of the others contributors on here. ;) ;)
I wouldn't mind being called secureprat, but where does sureprat come from?

Oh, BTW BOB, I laugh in your face! Your insults are so hilarious that I fail to find them remotely offensive!!

Sorry, but you "bile" has backfired.
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