No deadlier than the flu you say? lololol

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Do you personally know of anyone who has died of this virus?

If you do, then please share your experience with us. We aren't here to mock you or to disbelieve you.

It's just that even after 2yrs+ of all this nonsense I still don't know anyone who died. I live in a village where no one has died of this virus, I don't even know of anyone in this village who knows of someone outside the village who died?

2 work colleagues died of it.

They were old, fat and unhealthy mind, but my other 100,000 work colleagues didn't die.

Make of that what you will.
I still do not personally know anyone who has died due to this virus

Give it time as you probably will some day. Might even be in n number of years time or a lot lot sooner - even yourself. As a guy in hospital said = I turned out to be one of the unlucky ones so should have had the jabs. Even then they may still turn out to be unlucky but the odds of not are better. A perfect solution doesn't currently exist. One thing that confuses people in this area is the relatively low proportion of the population that has caught it. One way they look at that is true natural immunity levels which isn't easy to test for. It's been increasing slowly but is significantly higher in some places such as London. The average all over is ~20%. Many areas are lower than London. The higher ones have hit the news in the past as they had problems damping it down there. Numbers of deaths follow what would be expected based on the same information.

Interesting comments about mutation, didn't quote them. Maybe just maybe Omicron goes about it's work more slowly leaving more time to infect others. Maybe some of the problem is the winter effect as well - more infected people are expected but it looks like it is better at infecting people then Delta anyway. Milder - some early looks at vaccine effectiveness suggest they aren't so good at keeping people out of hospital when Omicron is the cause. This sort of thing will be a lot clearer eventually also the age related aspects. The best indication they have at the moment is infection levels against people needing to go into hospital. That says they are way way better than not immunising people.
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And I still do not know of anyone who has died in a car accident, your point being....??
I think he was trying to point out he doesn’t know anyone who died from covid , and neither do I. I know of a few who have died in car and bike accidents though. One person I knew even died from flu.

At the beginning we were shown film of people dropping dead in the street in China. I've not seen that happen yet in the real world.

Paul Weston: A crime against humanity.

A wonderrfully eloquent display of the use of the English language.
Do you personally know of anyone who has died of this virus?

If you do, then please share your experience with us. We aren't here to mock you or to disbelieve you.

It's just that even after 2yrs+ of all this nonsense I still don't know anyone who died. I live in a village where no one has died of this virus, I don't even know of anyone in this village who knows of someone outside the village who died?

Unfortunately I did know someone who died of the Virus.

He lived next door to us and was a 61 year old taxi driver, he never gave up driving Taxis, even during the height of the pandemic.
He caught the virus, and died in hospital, whilst under ventilation.

This was pre vaccine times.
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