No deadlier than the flu you say? lololol

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Horrible as well as shocking. Not a pleasant way to go.

Some years ago I read a book called "How We Die", written by a retired doctor. He detailed some of the many deaths he had witnessed in his career and pointed that many people die in horrible, agonising ways, and that the cliche "peacefully, at home" is sometimes a tactful fib. Details of the processes of death have always been taboo and not discussed, much the same as what goes on in abbatoirs is not discussed.

BUT NOW, with covid, we are being told the gory details as if nobody has ever died in horrible agony ever before, and the man in the street will regale you with the graphic horrors of a covid death.

There is nothing too unusual about covid - what is unusual is the government's handling of it.
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There is nothing too unusual about covid - what is unusual is the government's handling of it.
Death is not the loss of life - but part of it. Covid, like other deadly diseases just speeds up the process. Luckily we have a vaccine. Have you not heard?
Death is not the loss of life - but part of it. Covid, like other deadly diseases just speeds up the process. Luckily we have a vaccine. Have you not heard?
Hopefully in the not too distant future when it becomes more accepted that the new variant/s seem to be less of a threat even than the flu , then this fascination with the ‘vaccine’ will begin to subside and everyone who had it in the name of humanity will receive a chocolate watch.
I reckon it will just fizzle out. Deep scars will remain. And those that mourn their dead will not for get their hideous end.
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I reckon it will just fizzle out. Deep scars will remain. And those that mourn their dead will not for get their hideous end.
Mental , physical, emotional and financial scars will be ongoing.
So it's alright to have 300'000 to 600'000 people per annum die from the flu worldwide

5.48 million have died from Covid

so it’s 10x worse than flu

and you’ve worked out it’s less dangerous

how do you get through the day :ROFLMAO:
In the very early days I remember a chap, whose opinion should be respected, saying how virii have been historically known to develop. He made it all sound so simple because he really did know his subject.

In layman's terms, he explained how the virus HAS to mutate & he explained the 2x ways it could go. It could either mutate into something incredibly deadly, or it could mutate into something relatively harmless.

The principle is that either course is good for the general population. If the virus mutates into something incredibly deadly then we are saved by the fact that the virus is a parasite & can only exist if the host exists. If the virus mutates into something relatively harmless then WGAF.

It might not be reflected on your MSM, or by the govnmnt shills that infest your soshal meedya, but I truly believe there is no longer anything to worry about & have done so for quite a long time now & certainly for longer than most.

I still do not personally know anyone who has died due to this virus.

On the basis that the truth will always triumph & win in the end . . . We have some VERY interesting times a'coming

Thant’s all been covered by the MSM since the beginning of the pandemic.
Some numbers were given relating to people with what they have decided to call long covid recently.

Thant’s all been covered by the MSM since the beginning of the pandemic.

It may have been, Already there has been a number of mutations that never went anywhere at all. Differences were noticed and that version just faded out. The only ones they have had any interest in are spike protein mutations.There probably have been some that are truly harmless but by definition they can't infect us. There will have been others and has been which is how they can tell which country a version was caught in. The dam thing probably came out in the first place via a mutation. Corona virus are known to change periodically.

Word fail me when I see comments like it's no different to others but handled differently. If some one said not handled as well as it could be is a different matter. The last one was a particular version of flu. One that has always worried them in case it comes back. Do you think governments just let it run wild? They didn't when smallpox was killing people yonks ago either.
5.48 million have died from Covid

so it’s 10x worse than flu

and you’ve worked out it’s less dangerous

how do you get through the day :ROFLMAO:

Sorry, I don't get your point? Is this aimed at me or Godwas?

I definitely haven't worked out that flu is less dangerous than covid. Godwas suggested that we should dismiss the covid threat as it is now no worse than flu.

I believe that viewpoint is flippant; flu is still a deadly disease that may kill upto 600'000 people per year - one that incidentally we also vaccinate against.

So it's alright to have 300'000 to 600'000 people per annum die from the flu worldwide?
Sorry, I don't get your point? Is this aimed at me or Godwas?

I definitely haven't worked out that flu is less dangerous than covid. Godwas suggested that we should dismiss the covid threat as it is now no worse than flu.

I believe that viewpoint is flippant; flu is still a deadly disease that may kill upto 600'000 people per year - one that incidentally we also vaccinate against.

my sincere apologies, I thought it was that plasterer nutter writing more drivel, following on his previous post.

I get your point now, which is a sensible post.
Some years ago I read a book called "How We Die", written by a retired doctor. He detailed some of the many deaths he had witnessed in his career and pointed that many people die in horrible, agonising ways, and that the cliche "peacefully, at home" is sometimes a tactful fib. Details of the processes of death have always been taboo and not discussed, much the same as what goes on in abbatoirs is not discussed.

BUT NOW, with covid, we are being told the gory details as if nobody has ever died in horrible agony ever before, and the man in the street will regale you with the graphic horrors of a covid death.

There is nothing too unusual about covid - what is unusual is the government's handling of it.
It's strange that they sent old people back to care homes from hospitals without testing.
Where they were apparently at higher risk of the 'virus' and dying with it...

Did they get it in hospital and then pass it on, or did they get it on their forced return?

And yet these same people are refused the right to end their own lives humanely, and at a time of their choosing.

Double standards! (n)
I've not seen that happen yet in the real world.

That's because you have chosen to blinker yourself and close your eyes to reality.

You did not have the experience, that I did, of trying to find an undertaker, a crematorium or even a coffin-maker in early 2020 when death rates shot up.

The shortage was found throughout UK and the world.
It's strange that they sent old people back to care homes from hospitals without testing.
Where they were apparently at higher risk of the 'virus' and dying with it...

Did they get it in hospital and then pass it on, or did they get it on their forced return?

And yet these same people are refused the right to end their own lives humanely, and at a time of their choosing.

Double standards! (n)

Aaww bless, lally has started to care for the 'old'. Perhaps it's finally realised that it is getting older every day. It won't be long now before it's championing the rights of the 'old' instead of posting sh*t like this:

"Thus the coffin dodgers are the ones who should pay the immediate price of their decision!"

"A debt imposed on them by old people!"

"And looking so old too - they are soon to join her in their privatised hell !"
There is nothing too unusual about covid
Yes there is.

perfectly healthy people get it, of all ages and end up hospital, they are frightened, struggling to breathe and they can’t see their loved ones.

it causes unique and serious damage to the lung, it can cause life changing post viral symptoms, it can cause multiple organ failure.

it’s not usual for perfectly healthy people to go through that.

Google it Andy, see what people who have had it say, see what the doctors say
My mates wife caught it first time round - still struggling to breathe. Mrs Motties mate at work husband caught it first time round - lung and brain damage - hasn't worked since.
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