Opinion On Legality of Lockdown

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Looking at deaths per million population we are doing less worse than Italy and Spain, Belgiums figures are much much worse than ours.
Belgium's figures include all those suspected of dying from Corona Virus.
" They include not only deaths that are confirmed to be virus-related, but even those suspected of being linked, whether the victim was tested or not."
There are many other sources that confirm why Belgium's figures are so high.
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Stay home people.
It's a bad world out there and as soon as you open your front door the virus will attack you like a starved werewolf.

Using an apagogical argument does not prove you are correct.

It proves something else.....

Eugenics is always a good look.

The official and sensible view on eugenics is that a very mixed gene pool is highly desirable as concentrating on specific characteristics even intelligence can have unforeseen consequences. The view is probably correct too as other than genetic defects relating to certain illnesses any attempt at anything else has failed.
Some pubs are open already, according to the much respected and impressive journal the Daily Mail!

Somewhere in that London, pubs have been getting round the lockdown by serving takeaway beer in plastic pots for punters to drink on the street or in adjacent parks.

It looks like the official date for pubs reopening is early July. A long way off but at least it's a light at the end of this long tunnel.

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