Police Officer sacked for BNP membership.

there'd be a freaking uproar if someone started an association of WHITE police officers...

they'd be calling a racist organization and all sorts...
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I don't agree with the BNP views and policies, but as long as they're a legitimate political party then I say it's up to the individual whether or not they join.

I thought "political crime" was something that only occurred in despots with an unelected leader who places his own views above those of the people?

Oh, wait... :rolleyes:
Surely theres an equal opps angle here...many many people carry some form of predgedist (spelling) on their shoulders...but as long as they dont allow it to affect the discissions they make in their jobs then surely it shouldnt be an issue?
I've no problems with him being sacked for breach of contract for joining a political party when his contract specifically forbids it, as long as they check out all the other police and sack those who are members of the Lib dems, Labour, Conservatives and all the rest..

I do however have a problem with the ABPO being involved in the descision in any way.. they should have no more say than anyone else in the police force.. otherwise it's discrimination to the non black police officers..
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It's a funny old world when you can be sacked from the police for being a member of a legitimate political party, yet there are thousands of police officers with criminal records who haven't been sacked.
You have to get your priorities right. Being sacked for being a member of a legal political party is ok yet belonging to an all black association is hunky dory.

The longer the pressure cooker builds up pressure the bigger the bang when the lid blows off. It won't be yet - but it won't be pretty.
makes me wonder why the bnp can stand for elections and then be descriminated against, not that i support their "NAZI" type veiws,

and why have a all black org. when they still get **** and all kinds of abuse anyway,it doesn't stop it, it's what society has become/ pushed to become.

is it that the hypocritical government( AKA muppets/puppets) of the "elite" want this kind of confusion amongst the "surfs" for their own personal agenda's??

you must be able to see through the bull and what it's doing to us?
Why has it always been acceptable for police officers to be members of the secretive, closed shop organisation the Masons? At least the BNP have a manifesto which is there for all to read, whether you agree with it or not.
The officer maintains he isn't a member and that his name was put on the list as a jolly jape by a relative. In the absence of proof to the contrary such as standing orders from his bank account for membership dues shouldn't he have been given benefit of doubt same as burglars, rapists and the like when they go to court? I suppose its cos he's an easy target, what with being white and all, not having his own white police officers association to cause an outcry like his discriminated against black colleagues.
No..cos it will 'look good' for the police to get rid of him.
I'm delighted he was sacked. The last people I want to see out on UK streets are Nazis in uniforms. I do wonder though, given his political leanings, how he got through the intelligence tests to join the force in the first place. But look on the bright side, hey? I hear McDonalds are still recruiting, and they have a super uniform.
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