signals at roundabouts? anyone?

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
When do YOU use your RIGHT signal at roundabouts? I have been taught to signal right ONLY when taking a right exit, then when the exit is in view, put on left signal and move out.

I have noticed people recently using all sorts of wacky signalling.

1. People who, on taking a right exit, signal right all the way, even when exiting
2. people going straight on, who signal right :confused:
3. People who dont signal when turning right :evil:

I have had a few near misses or hold ups recently because of these combinations thus:
1. the constant right signallers - he is exitting down the road i am waiting at the end of, and i am waiting for him to go across in front of me on the roundabout, because he is signalling RIGHT still.
2. again, as above - signalling right so i wait for them, but they exit!
3. I could assume they are exitting, due to lack of signals - they were going straight on, but no, they go across my path, not a hint of any signals to say so. Several times i have been waiting, wondering should i go?

Do people not realise that signalling is very important to the efficiency of the "non-signal controlled" roundabout? We invented the damn things fgs, we cant even use them properly. :rolleyes:

these recent experiences have taught me to be very wary of other people's intended actions and never to trust signals, because some idiots cant be bothered to use them, cos we're all mind readers and we all know where they are going. :evil: :evil:
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How can you second guess? If you rely on their signalling then you'll be in more accidents than you can handle....
Relax, what you see is what you are gonna get ... No way out.
Now if you drive an old Landrover covered in dents and scratches complete with 'I' beam, girder, bumpers .. you'll be given loadsa room..
:D :D
crafty, I agree with pip on this - never trust signals given by anyone - I prefer to leave a bit of room to alllow for the unpredictable.

I have had people do all sorts to me on roundabouts in the past:
- pull out in front of me causing me to have to do an emergency stop
- turn right in front of me from the left hand lane (another quick stop), and best of all
- I had to avoid someone who was going around the roundabout the wrong way!
crafty1289 said:
When do YOU use your RIGHT signal at roundabouts? I have been taught to signal right ONLY when taking a right exit, then when the exit is in view, put on left signal and move out.

I have noticed people recently using all sorts of wacky signalling.

1. People who, on taking a right exit, signal right all the way, even when exiting
2. people going straight on, who signal right :confused:
3. People who dont signal when turning right :evil:

I have had a few near misses or hold ups recently because of these combinations thus:
1. the constant right signallers - he is exitting down the road i am waiting at the end of, and i am waiting for him to go across in front of me on the roundabout, because he is signalling RIGHT still.
2. again, as above - signalling right so i wait for them, but they exit!
3. I could assume they are exitting, due to lack of signals - they were going straight on, but no, they go across my path, not a hint of any signals to say so. Several times i have been waiting, wondering should i go?

Do people not realise that signalling is very important to the efficiency of the "non-signal controlled" roundabout? We invented the damn things fgs, we cant even use them properly. :rolleyes:

these recent experiences have taught me to be very wary of other people's intended actions and never to trust signals, because some idiots cant be bothered to use them, cos we're all mind readers and we all know where they are going. :evil: :evil:

I was taught to signal left if I am going first left, ie first exit or, if turning right signal right, go round the roundabout until exit appears and then signal left . I learnt to drive in the late 70's and this was SOP under the highway code then, ie you had to do it to pass your test . I may be out of date but it makes sense because you are then doing exactly what your indicator says

I pay no attention to other peoples signals. I wait to see what they actually do. Again taught to me by my driving instructor
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its something like. indicate right on approach and then indicate left as you pass the exit prior to the one you are turning off. :D

simple.. surely..

junior here was told by his driving instructor not to indicate at all at mini roundabouts cos you dont have the time!!!!

wtf. :evil: :evil: :evil:
dabaldie said:
its something like. indicate right on approach and then indicate left as you pass the exit prior to the one you are turning off. :D

simple.. surely..
spot on!
junior here was told by his driving instructor not to indicate at all at mini roundabouts cos you dont have the time!!!!

wtf. :evil: :evil: :evil:
did you fail your test? :eek:

i dont reply on people signalling, i look at the way their car is pointing and moving and the speed, but it is nice for them to confirm their actions by signalling.
junior here was told by his driving instructor not to indicate at all at mini roundabouts cos you dont have the time!!!!


did you fail your test?
did I fail my test.?
how dare you.. :p

was a little know it all in the office.. great arguement that was... refused to admit that his instructor was wrong..

oh btw.. I did fail my test first time.. :p
some dingbat ran across the road in front of me, apparently i should have anticipated it... even though they didnt look. ho hum... another case of being a mind reader..
dabaldie said:
junior here was told by his driving instructor not to indicate at all at mini roundabouts cos you dont have the time!!!!


did you fail your test?
did I fail my test.?
how dare you.. :p

was a little know it all in the office.. great arguement that was... refused to admit that his instructor was wrong..

oh btw.. I did fail my test first time.. :p
some dingbat ran across the road in front of me, apparently i should have anticipated it... even though they didnt look. ho hum... another case of being a mind reader..
apologies, thought you were referring to yourself with "junior"!!! :LOL:
I'll bet that Junior misunderstood his instructor! :LOL:

Mine told me that in some instances, such as mini-roundabouts, you may not be on them long enough to switch to a left signal to indicate you are leaving it. However you should ALWAYS use your right indicator if turning right, and you should take extra care if performing a u-turn manoeuvre on a mini-roundabout as people don't expect it. :idea:

I sat in with my little sister a couple of times, she used to try to fob me off with some terrible ones like "my instructor told me to always brake whilst going round the corners" :LOL: Even in the wet :eek:

Although, my instructor told me he had taken on various students who had been told by previous instructors "learners are not allowed to drive at more than 30mph ever"... so when you see a learner going 30 on a dual carriageway, now you know why :LOL:

I hear that Andy loves it when people turn right from the left lane with no indicator ;)
if you have trouble at roundabouts NEVER go to Skelmersdale Near Ormskirk,lol

its a once lovely new town, but now run down by getting all the scummy chav council rejects from Liverpool...

Anyway the thing is the planning officer was a mental case an in the late 70s he planned EVERY junction there is a roundabout not a lil painted on road one proper roundabout,
on the main A road it has over 200 roundabouts , lol
it has more roundabouts than any other town ,lol
how about this bit of road here:
chick here for a map, i have edited this to text because it appears we dont all have 19inch monitors ;)
look at the A6195, roundabout every half a bloody mile. it is a dual carriageway too, almost like a motorway in appearance, apart from the roundabouts. My fuel consumption goes thru the roof when i have to travel on it. No sooner do i get to 70, than i have to brake again! TWO OF THE ROUNDABOUTS (between Brampton and the M1) HAVE NO EXITS!!!!! What halfwit designed this horrible road??? :evil: combine this with stupid drivers, and you have the worst daily commute in history.

its strange how your town or other towns can just change with out a nod from the locals ...planners of yester year were all for roundabouts ,now its getting rid of 2 lane dual carriageways ,lol (an oxymoron I know *GG* )
pushbike lanes ,

I even went to a planning meeting an when the local leader was spouting this rubbish I tried to have him thrown out of office , he is a Right on/Gayer an rode his bike into Manc town centre an wanted all routes from his house changed to bike lanes
guess who won , HMMM :(
the council said they were frightened some people may sue for 100s of 1000s

(bloody council leader would sue the local council as the EU Law say you must be able to ride a push bike on the road safely )
so ..that is why your roads are restricted now with bike lanes (where are these bike riders I ask you ???)
due to this stupid councilors rants ...
crafty1289 .. better edit your post I need MegaSuperExtraordinarypanavision now ffs
Never seen an addy that long before !!
:D :D :D
Persoanlly I do or do not use indicators at roundabouts depending on their size and the amount of traffic.

Mini-roundabouts I generally don't indicate at all except when turning right or left, however on double mini's I tend not too indicate until the second one as it can cause confusion.

On large roundabouts I indicate left, if going left, don't indicate at all if going straight across, but then indicate left that I am turning into the exit as I approach it. If I am turning right I willindicate right until I approach my exit, where I will indicate left..for obvious reasons..

It really ****es me off when people don't indicate at all though..even on normal roads. They appear to be braking for no reason..oh as they stop or worse turn, they put their blooming indicator on..ggggrrrrr..drives me mad..
"It really p****s me off when people don't indicate at all though..even on normal roads. They appear to be braking for no reason..oh as they stop or worse turn, they put their blooming indicator on..ggggrrrrr..drives me mad.. "
as all here ...HATE IT >>> ROCKET LAUNCHERS IN CARS ..would STOP THIS ......
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