
  • Thread starter david and julie
  • Start date
I know I may not be the most popular person after saying this, but I think it is pure selfishness to smoke in front of your children. They have a right to clean air, free of smoke. The side-effects of living with a smoker (as a minor) are well-documented:

This is copied from here:

(ETS is environmental tobacco smoke).

ETS exposure increases the risk of lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. EPA estimates that between 150,000 and 300,000 of these cases annually in infants and young children up to 18 months of age are attributable to exposure to ETS. Of these, between 7,500 and 15,000 will result in hospitalization.

ETS exposure increases the prevalence of fluid in the middle ear, a sign of chronic middle ear disease.

ETS exposure in children irritates the upper respiratory tract and is associated with a small but significant reduction in lung function.

ETS exposure increases the frequency of episodes and severity of symptoms in asthmatic children. The report estimates that 200,000 to 1,000,000 asthmatic children have their condition worsened by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

ETS exposure is a risk factor for new cases of asthma in children who have not previously displayed symptoms.
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lisap said:
As i have worked in schools i think there is nothing worse than when the children and there bag etc come in smelling of smoke. I worked with 3 to 8 year olds and feel that if they smell of smoke they must be inhaling it so its not a great start to life for them. I am glad your heartstrings were tugged by your daughter, unfortunately it doesn't work often enough!

My mother teaches 8 year olds. The children get a couple of lessons of "drugs ed" each year. One year, the visiting educator asked the class "Where do grown-ups get drugs from?" to which a little boy replied "My dad gets his drugs from a man called Dave.". It sounds funny as an anecdote, as a child of that age says things with such an innocence and sincerity that you forget the issue that an 8 year old kid has a father is "on drugs". I believe the drug in question was marijuana which I suppose isn't as bad as if his dad was jacked up on the horse every night, but it still doesn't seem healthy. :confused:

Simon, it is interesting to read that report. I will certainly use it's information as ammo against anyone who wants to smoke in my house when I have children. Assuming people still do it by then. Smoke, not have children.
securespark said:
I know I may not be the most popular person after saying this, but I think it is pure selfishness to smoke in front of your children. They have a right to clean air, free of smoke.
It is also pure selfishness to smoke in front of non- smoking adults as well !
AdamW said:
[ I will certainly use it's information as ammo against anyone who wants to smoke in my house when I have children.
I don't let anyone smoke in my house (they can't anyway, smoke alarm everywhere !) but I do let them smoke outside, if they can't accept that, then they are not your friend.
This might be my only saving grace.... :oops:

I never smoke in peoples homes unless invited too (and only do if they smoke themselves) :confused:
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Sorry MMJ, No excuses .... Banished to the boiler room .... Hope you work on steamers !!

masona said:
I do let them smoke outside, if they can't accept that, then they are not your friend.
I only know three smokers and if they smoke its outside. The only problem is the smoke still wafts in. Im thinking of telling them, if they want to smoke, they can do so at the bottom of the garden...................its 65 metres long!!!!! :LOL:
lisap - from another thread said:
Oh go on!! i know men like sheds and its a big one, 20ft by10ft. I can hear you drooling now! Just think what you could put in that :D

lisap said:
I only know three smokers and if they smoke its outside. The only problem is the smoke still wafts in. Im thinking of telling them, if they want to smoke, they can do so at the bottom of the garden...................its 65 metres long!!!!! :LOL:

But it's us MEN, that are obsessed with size...
:D :LOL: :D I suppose it depends who you talk to!Not all men and women are the same!! Anyway are you stalking me!!!!!?:cool: :LOL: :cool:
lisap said:
if they want to smoke, they can do so at the bottom of the garden...................its 65 metres long!!!!! :LOL:
I suppose you could have a fire escape door from upstairs leading into the rubbish chute that will take them to the bottom of the garden automatically to the specially built smoke hut with no ventilation :LOL:
Why bother having it going to the bottom of the garden, why not have it going straight into their grave! :evil: OOOOH controversial............
Well, I think you are all being very nasty about this :evil: , so I am lighting a fag as I type... and blowing my smoke at the monitor!!!

That's the last time I stalk YOU! Lisa P!!! :D
mildmanneredjanitor said:
That's the last time I stalk YOU! Lisa P!!! :D

Well,as you are a smoker, you never know where you may end up!! :evil: :eek: :evil:
Any views on a ban on smoking in the “enclosed workplace” , (includes pubs, restaurants, offices, shops etc.) like we have got in Ireland. Has been very successful so far (with one or two exceptions). Personally I think it’s a great idea, but then I have never smoked.
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