Speeding fine

I know where you're coming from but if you hadn't been speeding you wouldn't be on here bleating about it would you? In any case it seems perfectly reasonable to me that the law makes it the responsibility of the registered keeper to identify the driver. Why should they have to prove who in particular was driving? Besides, whoever said the law was always fair to everyone? If you think that you really do live in cloud cuckoo land!
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It's not me bleating, it's you. I've only had to repeat myself because some people are so dense.

if you hadn't been speeding
Who says I was?
Don't bother answering, anything you say will be as irrelevant as you are. I won't be reading this thread any more now the trolls have taken over.
It's not me bleating, it's you. I've only had to repeat myself because some people are so dense.

if you hadn't been speeding
Who says I was?Don't bother answering, anything you say will be as irrelevant as you are. I won't be reading this thread any more now the trolls have taken over.

Talking about trolling?! The OP (that won't be reading this), has proof that dropped through his letterbox, stating that his vehicle had been clocked speeding, and when receiving answers he doesn't like, says people are trolling?

The OP has also been told several times, if he is unhappy (which he clearly is, and confused), to go to court to contest the issue, which has been ignored also, the OP then further spams, making comment, and saying he won't be reading further.

Exactly the actions of an irresponsible driver, who I feel, from the comments made by him (that's not going to read this), the comments that a hit and run driver would make to defend themselves.

4-lane unlit highway @ 30 mph? Speed cameras hidden by trees? Bus lanes that aren't bus lanes?

Could any sensible person recall what they did two weeks ago. Yes. I'd check the calender, see what my daily routine would be for that day, check online postings for that day, check my mobile for any calls/texts that day...

The OP could easily do that, but chooses not to. So go to court. Not that he's reading this.
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I don't know where the OP was driving, but in London we do have Bus lanes that are only treated as such during peak hours, outside of those hours you can legally drive in the bus lane. The road is painted red like a normal bus lane and sign posted to indicate the hours of operation.

There are some multilane roads with lights and low speed limits.

For example, the A40 is lit and varies from 2 to 4 lanes and runs into Central London, speed varies from 70 to 40 on the stretch I know, could well drop to 30 at some points, as I never drive into Central London.
Similarly in Birmingham, there are many stretches of 4 lane (or even 6 lane, including bus lanes) roads, some with central reservations that are 30mph limit, (although, strictly speaking a 4 lane highway with central reservation beomes Dual Carriageway), but still 30mph limit?

I found by experience, one of those stretches immediately off the M6 on the A34 into B,ham is 30mph limit, despite being Dual Carriageway.
The only '30' sign used to be at the end of the Motorway sliproad. (They've since added some more signs. :!: :evil: ) After that there is a roundabout, then another slip road onto the A34, so you're now onto another, different stretch of road, the dual carriageway, and no more speed limit signs before the camera.
I was clocked at 39mph in a 30mph limit. I thought it was a 40mph limit, because it is a 40 limit immediately after the traffic lights and there were no speed limit signs since joining the road at the slip road, before the camera.
My seventy year old dad recently got nabbed by a speed camera doing 33 in a 30 zone. He was given the choice of paying the £70 fine and getting points on his license or paying the fine and attending a wrist slapping course (so not getting the points). He decided to pay the fine and attend the course which mostly consisted of eighteen year old spotty yobs.

The copper taking the course asked if anyone thought that speed cameras were all about the money?'. My dad said 'yes' he did think that the whole point of the cameras was to raise money. The copper then asked him why he thought like that. My dad said because otherwise he would have been given the option of receiving the points but not paying the fine.
I was caught doing 34 in a 30 limit and had to pay a £60 fine. Also attended a speed awareness course which I must admit found very interesting.

They also pulled me about my personalised number plate - the spacing not being right - did not fine me on that occasion but said it I was caught again they would.

I altered my number plate but six months later was passing another speed van .... didn't get done for speeding but they did do me for my number plate and this time I was fined £60. Bloody annoying especially when someone I know was stopped for doing 70 in a 30 limit, on her mobile phone, putting makeup on and smoking. She then overtook 10 cars and didn't realist the police car was behind her until be put blue lights on ... she got of with it.

Don't know how they work that one out
I think that's one of the big criticisms of cameras, thay have no discretion, whereas policemen/women do have and excercise discretion.
I'll only tell you this because it's Xmas. If I am stopped by police and while they are sorting themselves out I slip on a blonde wig, some lip bright red lipstick a huge pair of prosthetic breasts and a really big smile....works every time. :)
I was caught They also pulled me about my personalised number plate - the spacing not being right - did not fine me on that occasion but said it I was caught again they would.

I altered my number plate but six months later was passing another speed van .... didn't get done for speeding but they did do me for my number plate and this time I was fined £60. Don't know how they work that one out
5051EP07 :confused: with some tippex and black plate fixing studs :rolleyes: PEN 15 for me when I win the lotto :mrgreen:
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