Stormzy scholarship

7 Jan 2010
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Dystopia, a small island too close to Europe
United Kingdom
A stunt, or a just cause ?
What if a white "musician" wanted to fund a scholarship for only white kids, would that be acceptable ? Not knocking him as its his money, but are black students under represented at high end uni's compared to white/Asian in comparison to overall percentage of population?
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Yes, I linked to this in another thread.

It is clearly, by definition, racist but doesn't seem to count that way round.

It is probably racist of us to mention it.
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How can it be racist? As said in the Freakonomics article, "This does not appear to be due to deliberate discrimination, but rather as a natural result of the personal interests of the scholarship sponsors."
noun: racism
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Giving something to somebody of your choosing isn't racism, it might be favouritism, but then, that is defined as "the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another." - hard to argue blacks are being given preferential treatment at Oxbridge as a result.
hard to argue non-blacks are being given preferential treatment at Oxbridge.
Are they ? Many Asians go there, not sure, but there must be some blacks there so not discriminated against. I did ask if they were fairly represented as percentage of the population, as, according to the 2011 census only 3% of UK population were black.
did you see this:

There was a documentary all about this a while back too. Blacks are certainly discriminated against by the some colleges at Oxbridge.

OK, from 2010, but "Twenty-one Oxbridge colleges took no black students last year" - none, in 21 colleges. That is a hell of a statistic right there. 0% is certainly lower than 3%.
A more recent stat - "1.9 per cent of UK students admitted to Oxford in 2017 were black" . Again, below 3%.

Anyway, a scholarship is about helping somebody who has been awarded a place. University is very expensive, and some people don't go because they cannot afford it. Stormzy is just helping thos that would miss out due to financial reasons, not because they haven't got a place. Ha can give his money to whoever he wants.
noun: racism
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Giving something to somebody of your choosing isn't racism, it might be favouritism, but then, that is defined as "the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another." - hard to argue blacks are being given preferential treatment at Oxbridge as a result.
Ok. The legal offence is racial discrimination and it is not allowed.

I'm pretty certain Oxbridge do not say only white people may apply.

Yes, I linked to this in another thread.

It is clearly, by definition, racist but doesn't seem to count that way round.

It is probably racist of us to mention it.

That's a weird way to think about it. If someone gives a donation to Harvard ? Who have a low proportion of black and minority students is that racist? Or if someone donates to say a Jewish cause?
Whatever the niceties involved, I think there would be a hell of a fuss if a white singer said he was going to sponsor two students but they must be white, i.e. NOT black or any other colour.
That's a weird way to think about it. If someone gives a donation to Harvard ? Who have a low proportion of black and minority students is that racist? Or if someone donates to say a Jewish cause?

if you're a labour MP, it seems to be anti-semitic to support a Palestinian cause ... but it's OK if you're a member of a different party. It really is a minefield knowing what is racism. Well, only if you allow the tabloid hate rags influence your view.
Whatever the niceties involved, I think there would be a hell of a fuss if a white singer said he was going to sponsor two students but they must be white, i.e. NOT black or any other colour.

yeah, what Stormzy should have done is announced the scholarship is open to all, then binned all the applicatants he doesn't want to help. That's how it is done everywhere else.
if you're a labour MP, it seems to be anti-semitic to support a Palestinian cause ... but it's OK if you're a member of a different party. It really is a minefield knowing what is racism. Well, only if you allow the tabloid hate rags influence your view.

It seem they will be taking their complaint to the Press Complaints Commission. Irrespective of whether you support Corbyn or not a free press has to at least try and report on facts and not push opinion and fabrications.
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