Tony Blair is now Sir Tony.

Blimey that romanian fruit cake cesaescu , state visit , some type of honour bestowed on the bloke

and him and his missis ransacked there rooms :ROFLMAO: if it was not nailed down it was pinched , mind u even if it was nailed down it probably got pinched :ROFLMAO:
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Blimey that romanian fruit cake cesaescu , state visit , some type of honour bestowed on the bloke

and him and his missis ransacked there rooms :ROFLMAO: if it was not nailed down it was pinched , mind u even if it was nailed down it probably got pinched :ROFLMAO:
Kids ransacked our local chapel last night and stole everything that wasnt nailed down , thankfully they never got jesus ;)
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afaik recall Robert Mugabe got some type of knighthood :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
He was stripped of his knighthood following the election fraud.
Mugabe did receive an honorary degree from Edinburgh UNI, but it was later rescinded.
He was quite well educated, however, having genuinely achieved several degrees from various Uni's (plus some bogus ones).
But take a look see how many foreigners, (in just one year) have received honours for services to UK, industry, etc.
Bl00dy foreigners, eh? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
How many honours (or degrees) have you received? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Blimey that romanian fruit cake cesaescu , state visit , some type of honour bestowed on the bloke
He was stripped of his honours, but I don't think that was uppermost in his mind at the time.
He was executed the day after by firing squad.
Mussolini is another to add to your list of rescinded awards. But that happened well before he was shot by a lynch mob.
In his desperation to be President of the EU did not apply the restrictions to the migration of peoples from the ' New Eight' countries that raised the demand for the referendum on remaining/leaving the EU.
That did more long term damage to the UK than any other government before.

What kind of long term damage to the UK was caused by immigration?

Did I misunderstand your first comment, or was that a faster U turn than Stigg in a Lotus 7?

You misunderstood my first comment.
Thanks for the explanation, but could you elucidate a bit?
I'm trying to tie down exactly what it was that your remark about the damage being inflicted on UK referred to. I'm just trying to clarify in my own mind, what your argument and position is.
After all I (and I think, also Notch7) misunderstood your first comment as to what you were precisely referring to when you asserted: "That did more long term damage to the UK than any other government before"?
Was your original comment referring to the decision to hold a referendum, when you asserted "That did more long term damage to the UK than any other government before."
Or was it TB's decision to not limit immigration in the first few years (which then increased the desire for the referendum, and/or provided impetus to the anti-immigration lobby), rather than the issue of immigration from the the ' New Eight' countries, per se?
Or was it TB's decision to not limit immigration in the first few years (which then increased the desire for the referendum, and/or provided impetus to the anti-immigration lobby), rather than the issue of immigration from the the ' New Eight' countries, per se?
You've got it!

You've got it!
Thanks for the clarification.
If you wish to continue and explain how or why TB's decision was the cause for "That did more long term damage to the UK than any other government before.", I'm happy to continue.
I wouldn't disagree that it provided ammunition and fuelled the anti-immigration protests. Your comment was very close to such an argument.
I would argue that the ammunition was based on fallacious arguments, and the exploitation of the situation was seized by those wanting to promote their anti-immigration policy for their own reasons.
Blair was put into a very difficult situation, Saddam was threatening us with WMD and the Iraq regime was leaking secrets that showed they they possibly could have these weapons.
My issue with that is that Blair said - in his speech to the Nation - "if you could see what I can see (referring to material that was restricted due to National security) you would agree that we have no choice". (or words to that effect)

But later, when the so-called classified info became available, it never materialised - it didn't exist - and Blair was forced to splutter and gurgle some sort of nonsensical correction. The problem is; it was that one speech and sentence that convinced me that 'we had no choice'. How many other people did it convince? It was all a lie to allow him to embark on a great vanity project. He thought the WMD would materialise and he would be immortalised as a great saviour. It was his Churchill moment. All staged on what, a hunch?
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