Tony Blair.

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So you admit that there are pension drawers then? Most have died of old age. Put your feeble intellect into gear.
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I don't think people have ever said no one survived the holocaust. If there has been a massive conspiracy, as you state, where is your proof? Surely something as big as this has left a trace, a smoking gun if you will, that proves that the Elders of Zion have engineered a massive false flag?

Tell me Joe, what do you do? You seem quite confident in your massive intelligence so you must be very successful, with a high powered job.
One can be intelligent regardless of the job they do. The burden of proof is upon you to prove something happened that doesn't insult the intellect of the average person. 11,000,000 gassed without a single witness is just plain stoopid. It didn't happen. How did they transport 11,000,000 people without anyone seeing them? At 300 per train load that would be 36,666 train journeys - that no-one saw. Why were none of them strafed? Why didn't the Polish and French Resistance ever see them or sabotage them? Simple - the journeys were never made. If you think they were - tell me how. (he won't).
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If you agree that they were not - then what the fook are you arguing about?:rolleyes:
Nothing wrong with it, it's you were so defensive and are so sure of your superior intelligence, I imagine you as a bitter old man who blames every one else for your failure in life While you work every day at a job you seem below your supposed intellectual level.

"I could have been so much more if it wasn't for the shapeshifting Jewish lizard master race ruining my life"
Found where I posted about 11 million being gassed or was that another lie, like so many of your posts?

Oh, I am a scientist by the way. Hence why I recognized you assertions about bodies not burning being grade a horse sh1t
Was it 11 million Jews killed in the holocaust? Most sources I've looked at claim between 4/6 million total.
Found where I posted about 11 million being gassed or was that another lie, like so many of your posts?

Oh, I am a scientist by the way. Hence why I recognized you assertions about bodies not burning being grade a horse sh1t

Don't make me larf. You think that bodies burn? Not in this universe mate. They are 75% water. Up Uranus. Scientist? Oh FFS. Gonna have to laff.
Was it 11 million Jews killed in the holocaust? Most sources I've looked at claim between 4/6 million total.

The Jews think it was their holocaust. They forget to mention the 5 million 'others'. They don't get pensions or a land of their own though.
Oh dear, you love proof, I have posted expert testimony about how bodies burn. You keep claiming bodies are 75% water, which is incorrect by the way.

Who is the real idiot here? I'll give you a clue as you are clearly dense. It's you.
Was it 11 million Jews killed in the holocaust? Most sources I've looked at claim between 4/6 million total.

The Jews think it was their holocaust. They forget to mention the 5 million 'others'. They don't get pensions or a land of their own though.
So there was a holocaust and 6 million Jews died! Why are you arguing with everyone? :eek:
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