Vive La France!

With modern advances in medical science.
The time limit for legal abortion should be slashed to 12 weeks.
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With modern advances in medical science.
The time limit for legal abortion should be slashed to 12 weeks.
I will let the medical experts make decisions like that.

Hopefully they will take women's views into account too.
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With modern advances in medical science.
The time limit for legal abortion should be slashed to 12 weeks.
89% are already done under 10 weeks. You understand that there could be many cases where the woman was not aware of the pregnancy until around this time.

I do note that based on this thread some people seem to think medical care can take care of a baby subject to D&E. I’m hoping they do a bit of googling.
Medicine. Modern.

Times have moved on since you last looked up a pair of ladies breeches.
Are you aware of how late term abortions are done.?

No modern medicine will help the baby survive a Dilatation and evacuation (D&E) procedure. They are usually brought out in pieces.
No modern medicine will help the baby survive a Dilatation and evacuation (D&E) procedure. They are usually brought out in pieces.
Does it matter really. The foetus is history once a woman decides she wishes to abort the pregnancy. That's the whole point. Didn't you know? If it bother you, then don't look. Leave it to the medics and the women to sort it. No need for your fake pale male stale concern.
Of course it matters. Do you care if the baby suffers? At what point do you think it’s ok to terminate and at what point do you think it’s not ok?

I’m not the one pretending we aren’t ending a viable human life.

We kill animals for food but we could live happily as vegetarians, so maybe it’s no different?

Kill a baby because it’s inconvenient to have it.
Women should be allowed to choose whether or not they want an abortion - simple as.
Until when ?

When is it not ok to terminate? 2 weeks before due date ? 10 weeks before due date. It doesn’t matter?

It’s really difficult to understand your thought process.

On the one hand you are championing france for having stricter abortion laws than the U.K. while at the same time arguing that a woman should be able to choose no matter what (which is not the French policy)

On the other you seem to think medical science can help a terminated baby survive?
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do you think it suffers pain, trauma etc having its heart stopped, oxygen starved to its developing brain and its tiny body mashed up in to bits so it can be removed?
It isn't a baby at that point.
killng another 23 week old baby simply because its mother doesn't want it.
It isn't a baby.
24 week is the time limit for legal abortion.
No it isn't.
Should women be allowed to kill their unborn children or not.
They aren't children.
some people seem to think medical care can take care of a baby subject to D&E
They aren't babies.
Kill a baby because it’s inconvenient to have it.
It isn't a baby. There is no "killing".
Leave out the strawman arguments Notch.
We all pay through tax, direct and indirect
Public services are in shreds, carers of relatives with disabled children don’t get enough support currently.

You want all the terminations of those with serious genetics disorders to be born and cared for by the state….that would cost more money.
It isn't a baby at that point.

It isn't a baby.

No it isn't.

They aren't children.

They aren't babies.

It isn't a baby. There is no "killing".
Forgive me if I expect you to back up your arguments.

Are you aware that babies can survive at 24 weeks and have. Obviously not those mashed up and sucked out.
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