Vive La France!

Public services are in shreds, carers of relatives with disabled children don’t get enough support currently.

You want all the terminations of those with serious genetics disorders to be born and cared for by the state….that would cost more money.
Maybe we should sterilise all the poor people so they don’t have kids that tax payers have to support?
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Should women be allowed to kill their unborn children or not.
Yes or no.
I can’t answer that question because they are not unborn children

And in any case abortion rates are the same whether it’s legal or not, so all your faux outrage is utter twaddle

All it does is force the poorest women who can’t afford to go somewhere where can have an abortion to have a child in poverty. A baby which you and your fellow travellers don’t pay for.

“In the year after the Supreme Court ended the constitutional right to abortion, something unexpected happened: The total number of legal abortions in the United States did not fall. Instead, it appeared to increase slightly, by about 0.2 percent, according to the first full-year count of abortions provided nationwide.”

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Yes, and then they babies, not before.
So inside. Not a baby outside. A baby.

That’s beyond nonsense

Surely you are smart enough to realise there is a sliding scale from multiple cells to oven ready child?
Of course it matters.
Nonsense. Abortion is messy business. Leave it to the medics to sort out. They know what they are doing.
Do you care if the baby suffers?
More nonsense.
At what point do you think it’s ok to terminate and at what point do you think it’s not ok?
Me? I've never been pregnant nor do I intend having an abortion. I guess that is up to the woman and current UK law to decide.
Kill a baby because it’s inconvenient to have it.
Baby? You mean foetus. If a woman decides to abort her pregnancy, then it's up to her. And not some old pale male stale, woman hating sailor. Your fake concern is touching. But fooling no one.
Yes, and then they babies, not before.
you think 30 seconds of being inside and outside the womb distinguishes life . Fekme another sad murdering individual . If you had ben alive in 1945 your defense would have been i was only following orders
you think 30 seconds of being inside and outside the womb distinguishes life . Fekme another sad murdering individual . If you had ben alive in 1945 your defense would have been i was only following orders
How much money will you give to support all these extra people, born into poverty and needing state help.

It seems Vinty give any, he doesn’t care about women and their offspring living a life below the poverty line
Are you aware that babies can survive at 24 weeks and have.
Have your read about premature birth? The WHO gives an overview including grading.

I would suspect that the 24week choice fits in with genetic testing and other factors. Suggested for mothers with a certain family medical background and also older mothers. The latter has drifted up over time
It forms part of a wider trend towards women giving birth later. In 2021 the average age when giving birth in England and Wales rose to almost 31 years old – the oldest since records began in 1938.
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