What have you done nice today.

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I made some very rustic looking steps and left voids under them for animals, also decided to leave 2 bits of the garden to grow wild.

Unblocked an extra drain for a woman and fell into a stream doing it.
I don't do much, but as a live on a busy road and appreciate when motorists slow to let me off my drive, I always do the same on the way to work. Today I also stopped for a schoolgirl that got halfway across the road before realising she didn't have time to get all the way - some others would leave her in the middle!

But not much really! I did fix our water butt last night to stop it leaking, so saving the world too (and my water bills) ...
I don't do much, but as a live on a busy road and appreciate when motorists slow to let me off my drive, I always do the same on the way to work. Today I also stopped for a schoolgirl that got halfway across the road before realising she didn't have time to get all the way - some others would leave her in the middle!

But not much really! I did fix our water butt last night to stop it leaking, so saving the world too (and my water bills) ...

Just letting someone out in the morning like you say a nice smile and a wave has a knock on effect.


Anyone who's been to India gets Dehli belly.. The Indians however seem to be able to drink and eat anything.
Cast iron.

apart from the ones who've already died.

"Diarrhea is the third leading cause of childhood mortality in India, and is responsible for 13% of all deaths/year in children under 5 years of age."


"India has made steady progress in reducing deaths in children younger than 5 years, with total deaths declining from 2.5 million in 2001 to 1.5 million in 2012.[1] This remarkable reduction was possible due to the inception and success of many universal programs like expanded program on immunization, program for the control of diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infection. Even though the deaths among children under-5 years have declined, the proportional mortality accounted by diarrheal diseases still remains high. Diarrhea is the third most common cause of death in under-five children, responsible for 13% deaths in this age-group, killing an estimated 300,000 children in India each year.[2] Information on diarrheal diseases, its determinants in India and preventive and control strategies in light of recent developments need to be reviewed for better planning and organization of health services within the community."
Anyone who's been to India gets Dehli belly.. The Indians however seem to be able to drink and eat anything.
Cast iron.

An old mate of mine commissioned & operated the dyehouse of a massive new build garment factory in Karnataka, they couldn't use the pumped ground water untreated because it was sooo filthy so they had to build a water treatment plant. My mate over specced the quantity required & had the surplus 1000's of gallons piped into the nearby villages. The factory's US owners did an audit & reckoned this clean water supply will save 100's of lives . . .
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