what is the point....?

I also have a little plastic animal on the dash board. Is that personalisng my car? Does that upset you aswell? (It's a hippo, but I don't think it is entirely relevant to the discussion)

there are more elegant ways of saying "look at me" without having to use something as tacky and as a car. it seems being a petrol head gives you the right to be completely devoid of taste.

cars aren't inherently tacky, but tying to use one as a status symbol is.
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Ok perhaps some are funny and quirky..the finest one ove seen is something on the lines of..80llok5 on a big car in south london...i must admit, id have that

But as someone stated earlier the pathetic attemps at spelling names with upside down inside out and back to front letters and numbers look ridiculous..maybe they are a statement about the driver 'ive got dyslexia'...

Then can however be a investment..a mate of mine bought an old cortina with the plate 'gay 69' for fifty quid..

One sunday morning he was out there 'pimping it up'** with four rasta mates..I said why dont you seel the plate and buy something else

He did and got 600 sheets for it!

Cant say id fancy driving round in it..but there was obviously a market for it!

**..any links between the words 'pimp' and 'rasta' are purely coincedental and it is not a suggestion that all rastas are pimps...its a common phrase these days..before the thread turns into a racism row!
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I don't really care.

You seem to have some big issue with people spending money on themselves because they want to.

I don't like people stone cladding the front of their houses, but I don't get in a huff when someone does it.

Maybe you should buy one, and see how it goes. You can always sell it back if you really dislike it that much.
You seem to have some big issue with people spending money on themselves because they want to.

i think you have me confused with someone else.

i am of the opinion that some folks will use their car as some kind of ego trip.

by embellishing said vehicle with a pants plate that barely resembles their name, i think is cringeworthy and tacky and merely serves to exaggerate their lack of taste.

there is Katie Price and there is Audrey Hepburn.......... :idea:
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