what is the point....?

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Cant see the point either, I often laugh at cheaper plates trying to say something, the dearer ones sometimes are good. I have a car, not a personal plate on it, but it says "TWP" and that means stupid/dull in Welsh :eek:
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I agree with the title..I just cant see the point, does it make the car more special?..does the owner get in and think to him/herself 'this is my car, its Got my initials'..are we sposed to judge the driver as someone special?

What is the point in spending literally thousands or a plate?..half of them dont make anysense anyway..and so what if its your initials..noone else knows..

Try asking someone why they had one..and youll get 'well you know..its you know..like..you know mine, like, you know.

A good one would be MMTS 123 ( More Money Than Sense)...

The ones that kill me are when people actually think '3''s are the letter 'E'...V's are bits of an 'N'...'G' is a 6 etc...what a load of 80llox!

Its a touch of the monogrammed tie syndrome IMO

Then again, they are personal to some people fair enough..the bottom line is its their hard earned..they are entitled to spend it how they like

And for those considering it..its cheaper to change your name by deed pole than to but a plate in most cases.
whilst on the subject of vanity and reggy plates, the only ones worth having IMO are the ones that make the plate as short as possible. brit plates are large, ugly and clumsy and designed for our largely inept police force to alledgedly identify them at greater distance.

unfortunately all of these plates are way out of my range.

my neighbour has a plate that is probably worth 5 times the value of his mundano, ill have to keep in his good books and hope his son is too stupid to realise how much its worth :LOL:
I popped down to Halfords and got some plates made up which, when placed in a line says

"H3LL0 M7 N4M3 I5 W00D7 4ND 1 C4N7 4FF0RD 4 R34L 93R50N4L153D 9L4T3, 8UT W4N73D Y0U 4LL T0 7H1NK 7H4T 1 W45 R3ALL7 C00L - 1"

My real number plate is below this, so its a cheap way to impress people you don't know and who will never meet you.
I think personalised plates are great, They express what type of person you are and I wouldn't part with mine (TW ERP) for all the tea in china! :D
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