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Or you could just be born a Muslim but brought up in a Hindu part of India, or born a Catholic and brought up in a Protestant area of Belfast, or born in England an brought up in Scotland. Bigotry and intolerance aren't confined to racial groups, but can be overcome if people learn to set aside their differences and talk to each other. We are often more alike than we are different
Yes absolutely, and a crucial difference between difference forms of discrimination is the unequal distribution of power and resources.
Things you need to know before going on another DIY bug-hunt...

Tribal make-up plays a key role in many of the various groups. The make-up, often in the form of face paint, is used for many different reasons and can signify many different things such as hunting, religious and traditional reasons, military purposes or to scare an enemy. It also functions as social markers, distinguishing boys from men, men from older men, men from women and members of the tribe from outsiders. Face painting indicates status and they convey a strong cultural meaning.

I've enjoyed the Senegal fans supporting their team with colour and passion...but i enjoyed watching England take their team apart a great deal more. Vive la Difference!
Yes absolutely, and a crucial difference between difference forms of discrimination is the unequal distribution of power and resources.
Well, just how much powed and influence dies a white working class kid have? I'll tell you something, when it's you or your brother being given a pasting, there is no "crucial difference". Just more fists and boots than you have.
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The Senegal team did't seem to be very racially diverse either, huge outcry a while back when the england women fielded an all white squad - it was deemed racist
Any link to this supposed story?
Or is it just your twisted version of what really happened?
Quite a few of the Senegal fans have white face makeup.

How is that not considered racist?
Quite a few English, Welsh, Scottish, French, etc, flags painted on faces.

How is that not considered racist?

:rolleyes: Such a stupid idiotic question!
It's like suggesting eye mascara is somehow racist. :rolleyes:

It's a constant drivel of trying to pretend that either racism does not exist, or to reduce it to a level of nonsense.
Or you could just be born a Muslim but brought up in a Hindu part of India, or born a Catholic and brought up in a Protestant area of Belfast, or born in England an brought up in Scotland. Bigotry and intolerance aren't confined to racial groups,

Well, just how much powed and influence dies a white working class kid have? I'll tell you something, when it's you or your brother being given a pasting, there is no "crucial difference". Just more fists and boots than you have.
True, but it's the motivation for the discrimination that matters.
Kids grow out of local rivalry, or they recognise it as purely based on loyalty, especially when some of those kids are seen to make good.
This is usually not so with racial prejudice, it is taught at home from such an early age, that racists grow up with bigotry so deeply ingrained that they are hardly aware of the origin or basis for their prejudice and firmly believe that basis for their bigotry.
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:rolleyes: Such a stupid idiotic question!
It's like suggesting eye mascara is somehow racist. :rolleyes:
or somehow suggesting asking someone where they are from is racist - just crazy

I can't fin any BBC reporter saying similar about the Senegal team!
or somehow suggesting asking someone where they are from is racist - just crazy

I can't fin any BBC reporter saying similar about the Senegal team!
Fair enough.
Maybe the lack of diversity in Senegal's team points to the lack of French migration to their former colony.
N'owt to do wi' us, old sport.

That clip simply shows the BBC feminist agenda on display from one of their minions...:whistle:
or somehow suggesting asking someone where they are from is racist - just crazy
You're very much aware that it wasn't a simple question of asking where someone was from. It was the persistent disregard for their answers.
If you want to reopen the whole discussion again, then please do so, but the result will be the same, just a rehash of previously discussed issues.
Which was a typical constant stream of racism cannot exist, so much in evidence from the typical resident racist in this forum.

I can't fin any BBC reporter saying similar about the Senegal team!
You said:
The Senegal team did't seem to be very racially diverse either, huge outcry a while back when the england women fielded an all white squad - it was deemed racist
As I thought, you deliberately twisted the story to suit your narrative of Senegal being racist because they fielded an all black team.
Of the population of Senegal (all 16,000,000 of them) have an approx population of White people about 8%.
The population of UK (all 66,000,00 of them) has a non-white population of about 13%.
Weirdly, there is only about 3% black people, but the number of black footballers appears to be higher than the expected in proportion to the population.
It would appear that the cultural, wealth, opportunity and ambitions of some ethnicities tend toward football. This could also suggest why the Senegal team have so few white players. But I can understand how that would be beyond your intelligence to understand, and you prefer some simpler explanation like racism. :rolleyes:

Now about that "huge outcry", it was a comment from a reporter about the lack of diversity in England's women's team. A reasonable and fair comment, but absolutely not a "huge outcry". That was a figment of your imagination, and a totally false representation.

Now about " it was deemed racist", another of your twisted imagined and false representations.
Fair enough.
Maybe the lack of diversity in Senegal's team points to the lack of French migration to their former colony.
Just 8% of Senegal's population are white.

Or that the smaller minority of Senegal's white population do not want to participate in football.

How many footballers come from wealthy backgrounds?
Just 8% of Senegal's population are white.

Or that the smaller minority of Senegal's white population do not want to participate in football.

How many footballers come from wealthy backgrounds?
Like i said, "n'owt to do wi' us".
If Senegal ever find their 'Maradona' and he turns out to be white do you think they won't pick him for the team?
or somehow suggesting asking someone where they are from is racist - just crazy

I can't fin any BBC reporter saying similar about the Senegal team!
You can't find anyone asking any of the Senegal team, where they are from?

Did you honestly say that?
Like i said, "n'owt to do wi' us".
Irrelevant really. Whether it's to wi' us, or not doesn't come into it, We're discussing an academic subject.
I suspect the reluctance of Senegal's white population to participate in football is nothing to do with their heritage, excluding any family's wealth, status, etc.
If Senegal ever find their 'Maradona' and he turns out to be white do you think they won't pick him for the team?
I don't suppose that Senegal's selectors are racist. It's just a silly and false allegation by Munroast.
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