Who's going to watch the King's speech ?

I actually saw a King's speech at 8pm tonight but it was The King of Spain. They celebrate on Christmas eve here.
He spoke for about 15 minutes, he mentioned Ukraine and the history of Spain and a wee bit about the future.
I wonder if Charles will do much the same or will it be mostly about his mum.
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I saw Charles doing the state opening of parliament or whatever it was, and I just got the impression that he was utterly bored by it, really couldn't be arsed, and couldn't wait to finish dealing with the rubbish for the plebs so he could get back to whatever else he wanted to do. Possibly involving carrier bags of cash and/or meddling in the democratic systems.

I'm remaining hopeful that he is becoming the best possible campaigning tool for the Republic movement.

I might actually watch just to enjoy just how terrible he is at public speaking, which is at least 90% of the reason his position exists. He's as much use as a mechanic who doesn't know what to do with a spanner.

A lot of the Kings critic's can could get an aircraft off the ground (open the throttles, pull up on the stick and up you go)


Unlike a lot of the Kings critic's he has the ability to get it back in the ground in one piece.

Credit where its due.

I am sure every one would agree that on a financial note, well off visitors from abroad wont come to see the anti royals.

Having said that, if public hanging, drawing and quartering of his critics were carried out at the Tower of London, Sidik karn might have to lay on extra trains from Heathrow, such would be the demand.

Happy Christmas every one.

Well off visitors spend their money over here, whats not to like,
Well off visitors spend their money over here, whats not to like,
Funnily enough France gets far more visitors to it's historical buildings than the UK...

And of course they don't have the bill to foot for an archaic undemocratic system of rule by an immigrant family...

A democratically elected presidential option is a far cheaper way to go!
A democratically elected presidential option is a far cheaper way to go!

Please don't take this in any tone other than it being a genuinely-posed question, but what is this obsession with "democratically elected"?

After all, wasn't Brexit a democratic vote?
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Plus, this country has been tumbling from shower to shower for a long as I can remember, all under democratic votes.
And, given this country's track record for voting in bell ends, why would anyone expect a anything other than a complete rsehole to be voted in as President either?
Blimey, are they letting you feed yourself now then? Mind you don’t spill your soup all down your string vest.
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Plus, this country has been tumbling from shower to shower for a long as I can remember, all under democratic votes.

Our system is not properly democratic. Most of us are not represented.
The trouble is, some who shouldn't be represented, are.

Our MPs only represent themselves. Each one should be driven out of his constituency by a mob, be paraded naked through the streets and be pelted with excrement.
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Surprising and encouraging to see that the King is conscious of the value of essential workers

And the difficulty of those whose costs have rocketed with inflation

And whose resources are inadequate to cope

Let's hope Sunak does not fall out with him while he's in the job.
All I heard was a bit of hand-wringing, already forgotten. Some bo1lox about light.
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