
Hmmm, you haven't defined "Harmless mischief " though. Seems today's harmless mischief, causes injury or sometimes death. Not exactly my idea of harmless, or mischief. ;) ;) ;)

Indeed. The feral youth of today are nothing but evil, drug addled savages. Their idea of harmless mischief is to beat a granny or a war hero to death, and p*ss on them as they take their dying breaths.
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Hmmm, you haven't defined "Harmless mischief " though. Seems today's harmless mischief, causes injury or sometimes death. Not exactly my idea of harmless, or mischief. ;) ;) ;)

Indeed. The feral youth of today are nothing but evil, drug addled savages. Their idea of harmless mischief is to beat a granny or a war hero to death, and p*ss on them as they take their dying breaths.

You read too much of the daily mail, in reality it's only a very smal minoity who cause trouble. Maybe you live too close to the problem and not realise there is a world out there.

Believe it or not my two older kids (adults) didn't do any of the above in-fact one is at Stoke Uni studying law and the other works with mentally disabled adults (she's a saint if you ask me) and all there mate are fine, haven't gone down this road.

Wake up, there is life beyond your council estate.
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