Thank You GMP

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11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Our Lacrosse Club held a fireworks display last night: a happy family night out.

Unfortunately, there were several people there intent on being complete idiots.

It started when a young lad threw a lit banger that landed no more than three feet from my 8 yo son. We did a quick about-turn to avoid the explosion and luckily I turned in the direction the miscreant was running.

I have never been in a situation like this before and it's very tricky when you're on your own, up against someone like that. I had a shout at him and told him to leave (Yeah, right!), and that I would call the Police if I saw his face again.

Unfortunately that first banger seemed to be the catalyst as several more went off over the next half-hour. At this point, we decided to clear the site. Soon, me & Mrs S & the kids decided to leave, but when we got to the exit we were confronted with several miscreants attempting to enter the site. So we decided to stay to help the guys in hi-vis keep them out.

I cannot believe how persistant they were in tying to get back in. You'd tell them to stay out, then a minute later they'd be back, in your face, insisting that you let them in because they've paid and they want to go back in. "I wanna meet my mate and he's over there...."

It ended when a nearby resident got sick of the baying from the crowd & called the police.

You could sort the wheat from the chaff immediately because as soon as the blue lights drew closer, they ran off.

Meanwhile, an idiot leaving the club threw a banger which just made it over the hedge from the main exit where there were 100 people queueing to leave.

What I can't get is the mentality of these people.

What do they think is going to happen if they throw a firework in a crowded public place??

Idiots the lot of them.

I have already thought of several measures to keep them out next year.

Another case of the idiot minority wrecking it for the majority. :evil:
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Sorry to hear SS that your lovely family evening was ruined by mindless idiots.
I thought that bangers had been banned ?
If not they are literally a lethal weapon, so they should definitely not be on sale.
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Let me guess, has the person I have chosen to ignore (therefore cannot see their post) written something derogatory, perchance?
Such a shame Securespark. Failure of imagination and empathy on the part of the thugs. Chorlton had a similar experience this summer during its Beech Road Festival.

Not sure what the solution is really :confused:
What I can't get is the mentality of these people.
You never will, normally it's the feeling of unhappiness, maybe a childhood problem or it's the only way to get the attention seeking which they don't have at home(?) Afraid it's the sad world we live in :cry:

Having said that, who is SP actually referring to?

To the only person I have chosen to ignore, Joe 90.

I have not looked at his comments, nor do I wish to, but I bet they are not sympathetic.

Anyway, thanks for all the other comments.

We are going to have to up the ante and employ all the tactics we can to minimise a repeat performance next year.
Looks like numbered, prebooked tickets is needed as a starting point.
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