Time for change..



You know, I was born here and kind of get what the current incarnation of England is. We're proud, friendly, supportive and generous. And wow, are we resilient to a slap in the face from someone taking us for a ride !

It is time for this country to document a modern manifesto, and start standing up for ourselves..

- you wanna live here? learn English.
- don't treat England like an extension of another land
- respect our law
- respect our troops
- respect our government - we don't like them, but we're a democracy !
- don't see our benefits as a freebie

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There's is nothing new or ground breaking in that sombrero!
There's is nothing new or ground breaking in that sombrero!

It's not about being ground breaking, it's about having the balls to be reolute.

One flag, burn it and get locked up or deported. Dis our soldiers, and the same

We respect no religous book !
multiculturism is pleasing, but must come second to citizenship!
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What you should do is sell up and move out too Romania.
You'll be a millionaire out there.
Let's face it Nu Labour's multiculturalism experiment has failed badly. Multiculturalism, is all about integrating into society. FFS I think I live in the UK. We have a nutter up here trying his best to remove us from the Union, that is the UK (and believe me, some sheep will buy into his go it alone rhetoric,,, but that's for another thread)
People who come to the UK should expect to obey the laws of the land, in much the same way I respect the laws of the countries I holiday in. OK , longest I've been on holiday is 3 weeks (no like I've intended to settle there) but whenever I've been abroad, I've obeyed the laws of civilised society

I totally agree with Somby. If anyone wants to come and live permanently in the UK, then they should be expected to learn our language, pledge allegiance to the UK and obey our laws. Respect others and not complain because they want a different law for themselves.
Up here we have Indians and Pakistani's who have integrated quite well ( apart from those twa who tried to blow up Glasgow Airport, but they were from London anyway) I have seen young Indian kids who speak with a broad Scots accent and don't revert back to whatever language their parents use (quite funny to see them shout "Hey maw, whit's fur supper?"
Let's face it Nu Labour's multiculturalism experiment has failed badly. Multiculturalism, is all about integrating into society.

And there's the evidence. I regularly see and hear reference to 'the muslim community' on TV and in the press. That suggests, to me at least, that here we have a completely separate nation within a nation.
Let's face it Nu Labour's multiculturalism experiment has failed badly. Multiculturalism, is all about integrating into society. FFS I think I live in the UK. We have a nutter up here trying his best to remove us from the Union, that is the UK (and believe me, some sheep will buy into his go it alone rhetoric,,, but that's for another thread)
People who come to the UK should expect to obey the laws of the land, in much the same way I respect the laws of the countries I holiday in. OK , longest I've been on holiday is 3 weeks (no like I've intended to settle there) but whenever I've been abroad, I've obeyed the laws of civilised society

I totally agree with Somby. If anyone wants to come and live permanently in the UK, then they should be expected to learn our language, pledge allegiance to the UK and obey our laws. Respect others and not complain because they want a different law for themselves.
Up here we have Indians and Pakistani's who have integrated quite well ( apart from those twa who tried to blow up Glasgow Airport, but they were from London anyway) I have seen young Indian kids who speak with a broad Scots accent and don't revert back to whatever language their parents use (quite funny to see them shout "Hey maw, whit's fur supper?"

Problem is mate, its the 2nd and maybe 3rd generation of British Pakistani's or in this case Nigerians who are the major perpetrators of terror in the UK, they speak the lingo but at some stage for whatever reason have decided to turn their back on the country. As you say there are Pakistanis who've integrated quite well in your neck of the woods, Indians certainly arent an issue. Bigger problems there then if people want to move to this country then they should speak the lingo and live by the law.
The government and the police would never allow us to stand up for ourselves, in fact, I reckon they would come down harder than they do on the terrorists.

Cam moron was quick to put out the message that the incident had nothing to do with Islam. Who gives a f**k if it is or it isn't. What we care about is the fact that a British soldier was killed.
Hundreds have been killed in far off lands. Are they less of a loss?
There's is nothing new or ground breaking in that sombrero!

It's not about being ground breaking, it's about having the balls to be reolute.

One flag, burn it and get locked up or deported. Dis our soldiers, and the same

We respect no religous book !

BNP have been banging on that drum for years, not that I disagree.

But don't forget, we keep invading countries that have FA to do with us. Why shouldn't these people retaliate?
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