Good luck Real Madrid

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French fella on the news said that now people know as to the type of policing that they have to put up with on a regular basis ?
When I have seen them use tear gas must admit that I have thought sometimes that might not be a bad idea here. Depends what is going on really.

When police get involved in crowd control some get rough. My son saw some recently and said they shouldn't do that. My response was if you see something like that brewing clear off. He just couldn't see it.
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When I have seen them use tear gas must admit that I have thought sometimes that might not be a bad idea here. Depends what is going on really.

When police get involved in crowd control some get rough. My son saw some recently and said they shouldn't do that. My response was if you see something like that brewing clear off. He just couldn't see it.

Thing is the innocent get caught up in it and the police won't let them leave the area, they want you all kept together.
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John Hollins
Chelsea and than he went to Arsenal for a while

His brothers ran a decorating company

The was also Dave Hollins the other brother goal keeper at Newcastle for a while
Played for Wales as well

Was also a keeper for Aldershot FC
When they were in the old 4th division
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Thing is the innocent get caught up in it and the police won't let you leave the area, they want you all kept together.
That is UK style kettling as they call it. The point I was making to my son is that if police start clearing a crowd they just keep going. It's past the point where just trouble makers are concerned.

Kettling - great name IMHO. Cynical, what does a kettle do - boil.
Calm down everyone, test match starts on Thursday, proper sport.
Watch 1 man polish a ball a bit then throw the ball to a colleague who gives it another polish and throws the ball to another colleague who polishes the ball again and takes a big run up and bowls the ball at the batsman,who just let's the ball run wide...then start the routine again. For 5 days haha
Not for me thanks
That is UK style kettling as they call it. The point I was making to my son is that if police start clearing a crowd they just keep going. It's past the point where just trouble makers are concerned.

Kettling - great name IMHO. Cynical, what does a kettle do - boil.

I think the French police got this very wrong, but in fairness they did have their hands full.
Look at this video and it's obvious to me these are French (not Liverpool) creating most of the problems out around the stadium .

The was also Dave Hollins the other brother goal keeper at Newcastle for a while
Played for Wales as well

Was also a keeper for Aldershot FC
When they were in the old 4th division

Never knew he had a brother in football. I know his son worked for the BBC
Watch 1 man polish a ball a bit then throw the ball to a colleague who gives it another polish and throws the ball to another colleague who polishes the ball again and takes a big run up and bowls the ball at the batsman,who just let's the ball run wide...then start the routine again. For 5 days haha
Not for me thanks
Watch a man rolling round in apparent agony after someone touched his hairdo, while his team mates harangue the referee for 10 minutes, not for me thanks.
Watch a man rolling round in apparent agony after someone touched his hairdo, while his team mates harangue the referee for 10 minutes, not for me thanks.

I see an Aussies rules game (I think it was Hawthorn)

This fella going full pelt run into the goal post dodging a tackle He hurt himself, but being a tough Aussie he refused the stretcher and hopped half the pitch to get treatment. Just to show how tough he was.

However footballers are fanny's these days. (I have to point out for PC reasons) well at lease some of them are.
Why always Liverpool fans?
No other group of fans appear to have so much trouble getting into major events as they do.
Fake tickets?
Flooding turnstiles to get mates in for free.
Their M.O. never changes, does it.

Maybe the club should've taken heed of Madrid who set out chartered coaches for fans to arrive on time with kosher tickets: no fuss, no fanfare.
They came, they saw and took home another trophy with no bother at all.
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