A year of Keir

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Its not nice when your barbed comments come back & bite you on the arse, is it.
Try to be more cordial in future, it won’t make you look like an arrogant idiot next time. Lol.
Don’t get me wrong Notch. What he has achieved is incredible, especially with him being a carer during his school days.
He’s achieved more than 99,9 percent of the population & is squeaky clean to boot but he ain’t got......... it.
It's the way of the world.

Narcissists with no integrity win elections
Clever people who want to do good usually don't.
And by all accounts he oversaw the unprecedented decline in CPS performance, the lowering of prosecutions and convictions in many crimes particularly sexual offences and rape

I am not sure that's correct. I can't find anything that backs that up. As far as I can see it's a smear by right wing media not actually backed with facts

I know Starmer is often criticised for the Saville case, but Starmer had no involvement in it
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It would seem that mandelson

Starmers in official advisor ;);)

company Wilbury is a senior adviser to US investment bank Lazard (?)

also he has some company Global Counsel ?? A bussiness lobbying and advisory company :sneaky:

it offers to help corporations manage risk and see opportunities in politics regulation and public policy :confused:

clients are Banco Santander
UK bank lobby group UK finance and a lobby group for Europe’s biggest corporations
:sneaky: Hmmmm lobbying :LOL:
There's absolutely nothing wrong with lobbying. It's a natural, normal and necessary part of politics.
When ministers and the Prime Minister move heaven and earth to comply with private individuals' secret requests for special and specific advantage, it becomes sleaze.
this Chinese virus caper
Transam doing what he does best, actively, persistently and frequently promoting hatred and division against foreigners.
Transam is a deceitful racist who promotes his racism at every and any opportunity.

Mottie thinks he should be excused because he was taught his racism as a child from an early age by his parents and peers.

Mottie fails to see the absurdity of his comments and the hypocrisy of his attitude.

Mottie shouts, "Look at all those Arabs invading London! It's disgusting. They should be stopped and made to behave like English!"
Calm down, Mottie. They're doing what Arabs do, they're visiting London in the summer with their flash cars.

Mottie shouts, "Look at those hordes of refugees infiltrating UK! It's disgusting. They should be shipped back to wherever they came from!"
Calm down Mottie. They're doing what refugees do, they're fleeing hunger, persecution and poverty.

Mottie shouts, "Look at those Gypsies. It's disgusting. They should be stopped and made to behave like English people!"
Calm down, Mottie. They're behaving like Gypsies. They're practising their normal way of life, moving from one place to another.

Look at transam's persistent racist comments!
Mottie shouts, "He should be allowed to behave like that because he was taught his racism as a child!"
He has no personality, no charisma, no.. X factor.
He should stick to law coz he ain’t a people person. Hence the problem.
If you’re at a party & one of them was there, what sort of weirdo would want it to be Keir. Boris is an entertainer.
Dangee prefers a clown as PM, rather than an experienced, professional, and capable politician.
Its not nice when your barbed comments come back & bite you on the arse, is it.
Try to be more cordial in future, it won’t make you look like an arrogant idiot next time. Lol.
The hypocrisy is almost unbelievable.

Hmmmm. Muggy mug.

Just when I thought you couldn’t make yourself look anymore stupid..... you’ve proved me wrong. Keep it up.

John. You seen to be sticking your nose in where it’s not wanted. Lol.

No fool like an old fool eh John. Sucker.
Does Dangee assume because he started the thread he has the privilege of being arrogant and abusive?
Starmers un official adviser Lord
Mandelson also specialise in helping investors ;) from and into authoritarian states such as Russia
And China

he advises Chinese bussiness they face a blame game from populists who are seeking a scapegoat by raising worries about Chinese investment and that China needs to extend its influence it needs sophisticated international soft power

no worries for momentum :sneaky: about the advice mandelson might be giving kier on how to reshape the party post corbyn ;)

strangely there does not appear to be any French connection :confused:

Yet ;)
strangely there does not appear to be any French connection

Yet ;)
You'll still find a way to promote hatred against foreigners.
You always do.
You're a deceitful racist and genocidal maniac. You frequently promote genocide against Iranians.
You are allowed, protected and supported by mods to perpetuate your racism and islamophobia by them banning other posters that expose your genocidal hatred, and confront your racism.
Your behaviour is tolerated by other posters that excuse your behaviour on the basis that you are a deceitful troll or because you were taught your racism by your parents and peers, and as a child you can't help yourself in promoting hatred and division.
Apparently mandelson’s company advises international clients on Russian market entry and how to navigate international sanctions ;) ???

could well be a French connection there some where ;)

he also has some bussiness interest in Turkey ???
Apparently mandelson’s company advises international clients on Russian market entry and how to navigate international sanctions ;) ???

could well be a French connection there some where ;)

he also has some bussiness interest in Turkey ???
Your hatred of all things foreign is legendary.
You might excuse your racism as trolling, but that is typical deceit of racists, to excuse their blatant racism by pretending there is some other reason for it.
It's still racism.
It's still promoting hatred and division in society.
Your racism is still allowed by mods. Therefore the forum still exudes the culture of blatant racism.
That culture is dominated by the behaviour and attitude of long-serving members.
As far as I can see, your behaviour and attitude has always been racist and islamophobic.

Mottie still excuses your behaviour on the basis that you can't help yourself.
I would agree with him that you can't help yourself, racists cannot help being racist, but I would vehemently disagree that your behaviour is excusable or in the least bit acceptable.
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