Alcohol and getting caught

25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
A long time ago when one of the DIYnot regulars was convicted of drink driving, some believed that we were being too easy on him. As if we were saying "getting caught was the mistake".

Well, I'm experiencing this first hand today. No, I haven't been drink driving! However, last Thursday I broke my rule of "don't get drunk on a work night", at the first of the Christmas parties. Because the hostess is a close friend and got upset that people were leaving early, some of us decided to stay to ensure the party was regarded a success.

Needless to say, we ended up drinking far too much, but I would have felt OK after plenty of sleep. However, I ended up going to bed at 5:00 and getting up at 8:00. As you can imagine, I was not much good at work the next day. But I made the effort to get in, thinking I could at least get on with some of my easier tasks. It turned out to be the mother of all hangovers, so after discussion with my manager we decided the best course of action was for me to take one of my holidays. End of story. He likes to party too! Oh, I should point out I am a paper pusher and therefore injuring myself or others through incapability was not going to happen!

But today I got a royal rollocking from my boss's boss. Accusing me of being an alcoholic, threatening me with official warnings and so forth.

Now, as a businessman, I agree with him. People should be prepared to show up for work, and should be responsible enough to ensure their private life does not affect their professional life.

However, I'm only trouble because I was caught. If I had woken up last Friday and rung in sick, no problem. If I had just sat their shivering and sweating and done zero work, no problem. I know people under the same manager who do this frequently!

It's only because I was honest enough to say "Because of my actions last night, I am incapable of performing my job today and feel it is in the interests of the company that I take a day out of my holiday entitlement rather than stay here and waste the company's time" (those were my actual words... engineers are seldom poetic!)... Unprofessional to show up at work hungover, but I feel it was professional to admit fault and mitigate any damage to the business.

So again, a case where "getting caught" was the crime rather than the crime itself. :rolleyes:
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I am one of those people sitting, shivering and generally not achieving much other than internet shopping! But don't worry what you have done is certainly (and I really do know!) not a sackable or even threatable offence. next time? phone in sick and atleast get a lie in.
You could always try what I do when I've got a monster hangover - turn up to work and tell my boss I'm not doing any work today. I've gotton away with this a few times this year!

It helps that I work in a two man team (me and my boss) and we cover for each other regularly. :confused:
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The honest path is a tough one to follow, a 'white' lie may be most suitable all round, pulls you out of a hole, saves your manager falling in one (which he will not) by even appearing to condone the behaviour... should someone 'blow the gaff', which they may do.
Sounds like a total over reaction on your bosses part. For your own self protection pull a sickie next time

ps it doesn't merit a guilt trip either. It's not like drink driving and it is supposed to be xmas when most people cut themselves a little slack
did you drive to work?

i got spooked the other week.. many beers the night before. went to bed at 3am. up at 9am. on the road at 10am.
was thinking to myself.. how many did i have,.. worked it out (at the rate of losing 1 unit per hour), that i still had 10 units in my blood.... youch.. thats over twice the limit!

i've noticed the police in devon and cornwall setting up road side breath tests in the morning now...

if you are incapable of doing work.. then you are prob incapable of driving..

i'm not accusing you... but its scary..
i used to drive hung over all the time when i was young... would never drive after being in the pub.. one pint was too many for me.. christ i got better at darts and pool.. i must have had too many. :p :p
dabaldie said:
did you drive to work?

i got spooked the other week.. many beers the night before. went to bed at 3am. up at 9am. on the road at 10am.
was thinking to myself.. how many did i have,.. worked it out (at the rate of losing 1 unit per hour), that i still had 10 units in my blood.... youch.. thats over twice the limit!

i've noticed the police in devon and cornwall setting up road side breath tests in the morning now...

if you are incapable of doing work.. then you are prob incapable of driving..

i'm not accusing you... but its scary..
i used to drive hung over all the time when i was young... would never drive after being in the pub.. one pint was too many for me.. christ i got better at darts and pool.. i must have had too many. :p :p

Very high percentage of drink driving offences are morning after the night before related
you Sir ... are STAR!!!

(most peeps would ring in sick an crawl back on that lass from hours earlier , or puke in the car going to work or fall a sleep in the company car park , or go in ask the boss for a kebab , as I did at B /Gas ,many times .. lol

... an a shower of hell shOte on your boss who had the flaming cheek to pull you .... methinks the guy dont like you ?... an if you are needing him to progress at work I would search for other work ...this guy has a massive hate thing for you did WELL !!
get your friends at work to supply very good references things an other managers a later tribuneral (sp?)
there words can get you 2 years wage when you walk out after sercuring your new job ,

AdamW when walking out think of a family member dying an cry... CRY as you never ..... an wail an group hug people an go sit in your car as your friends flock around ,

an say only this "its my *boss =whoever*he drove me to this an he has been bullying me , I cant take any more , "

"I have complained but " he " Hates me, I dont thing I can go on OMG,SOB ...sob.sob ",

then speed off in your car , an dont answer the phone at home to work people ....
8months later you get a unfair dismisal case hearing (if at the Manc town centre the greasy spoon cafe next door does a really top crunchy bacon barm ,lol)

btw donate some of your loads of money for this info too a suitable charity .. cheers
lol Moz, brilliant! :LOL: I didn't think of asking for a kebab, quite frankly water was somewhat richer than my stomach could take at that point though ;)

Well, after a hellish afternoon of e-mails flying back and forth I'm sitting at home feeling drained and severely pi**ed off. However, I suspect that I feel upset about it all because it concerns me. If I put myself in the place of those up above, it really isn't a big deal and for them would possibly be an amusing "oh, the youth of today!" reminder of their past shennanigans. My direct manager seemed to think it was an amusing "just so long as you don't make a habit of it" event. Even told me that in future I can only take a holiday after a party "if I end up tapping it" :eek: :LOL: :LOL:

The amazing thing is, the guy who gave me a dressing down works from home half the time so wasn't even there on Friday!!! I could have just sat it out in the toilets until lunch, knocked off at lunchtime and no-one would be the wiser.

Now, officially, I was on holiday all day last Friday. So whether or not I was hungover is not really the company's business. So I really don't think anything bad will come of it. Unfortunately, it means some important people might now think I am someone to watch, but as Oscar Wilde said "The only thing worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about" ;) Let's just hope they take a look at my work instead of thinking I'm some crazed party animal who does this sort of thing all the time.

Seriously though, I won't be doing it again! :eek: Remorse feels horrid!
Adam, you was not in the right state of mind to go to work therefore you should've phone in sick, whatever the reason. You've got into trouble by turning up you silly boy :LOL:

Wouldn't happen at my company as we have the ransom urine & breathalyzer in force.
I am too bloody concientious and always used to go in if I felt bad. I have had some really miserable days at work in the past by going in with a hangover. Stupid really.
This is all good stuff, thanks guys! :LOL:

So basically the moral of the story is: if you have a hangover, come up with some excuse that means you can take a holiday. And never admit you were out drinking or had a hangover :LOL:

I feel like a right wally now :rolleyes:
You have it .. In an almost perverse sort of way you are really taking care of your boss, by staying at home ... Not making him feel guilty over not admonishing you .. If you get the drift... How could he not admonish? Others in the office know the score .. they may chant favouritism at another time, in another situation...
Unfortunately some may never let this episode be forgotten..
Experience costs... At times .. But we have all been there.
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