Climate change.

Look what has happened since we started to pollute the atmosphere with 40% more CO2




OH NO 0.5c of a degree in temperature rise since approx 1950s.

(you do know C02 levels where virtually unchanged 1850-1950 approx).
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I'm blaming the natural wobble of the Earth for putting us in a cool period.
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Joe if ye think yer foolin anyone, think again. Yer very first post on this thread intimates it's caused by human activity. Nae mention of a wobble there whatsoever boy. Changin yer mind noo ?
No. You simply don't understand what people tell you.
I lay the blame solely at gods feet.

He created the Earth, he didn't do a very good job, I think he cut to many corners, probably in a rush to get it finished, a bit of a cowboy on the quiet.
AronSearle said:

OH NO 0.5c of a degree in temperature rise since approx 1950s.

(you do know C02 levels where virtually unchanged 1850-1950 approx).

Is that relevant, you are talking about periods that existed locally, the temp then was not a global change, and scientists have proved this.

What is clear, both from the temperature reconstructions and from independent evidence - such as the extent of the recent melting of mountain glaciers - is that the planet has been warmer in the past few decades than at any time during the medieval period. In fact, the world may not have been so warm for 6000 or even 125,000 years

What really matters, though, is not how warm it is now, but how warm it is going to get in the future. Even the temperature reconstructions that show the greatest variations in the past 1000 years suggest up until the 1980s, average temperature changes remained within a narrow band spanning 1ºC at most. Now we are climbing out of that band
jockscott wrote
Nah, how are the working people that are taxed to fund research into climate change etc, etc, on to a winner

How much tax and funding are we talking here? I'm sure it will hardly break the bank.

People are natural wasters and use an abundance of energy when they don't need too.
If they can afford to waste energy then they can afford the pittance of a tax to pay a few scientists to find out whats going on.

My BiL spends £1800 per year on electric because he can't be bothered to S plan his boiler system and heats the hot water with an immersion.

His plumber told him it was big job for some reason.
jockscott wrote
Nah, how are the working people that are taxed to fund research into climate change etc, etc, on to a winner

How much tax and funding are we talking here? I'm sure it will hardly break the bank.

In the recession we are currently in (still) every penny counts. Tell me why the poorer people of society should fund the richer people, through taxation? (think carbon tax, airport tax, FIT scheme etc, etc)
jockscott wrote
Nah, how are the working people that are taxed to fund research into climate change etc, etc, on to a winner

How much tax and funding are we talking here? I'm sure it will hardly break the bank.

In the recession we are currently in (still) every penny counts. Tell me why the poorer people of society should fund the richer people, through taxation? (think carbon tax, airport tax, FIT scheme etc, etc)

But is the carbon taxes funding richer people? And who are they?

Also I wouldn't deem anyone stepping into an airport as a poor person so they should be taxed too the hilt.
It seems that human societies always have to have something to worry about. Think back to the 1960s and we were told of the impending ice age where there will be wars over food shortages.
Since then we've had Legionaire's disease; holes in the ozone (who remembers that now?); AIDS (that was going to wipe out half the world's population); bird 'flu (someone panicked and rang their local council when they found a dead pigeon in their garden); mad cow disease - th elist goes on and on.
Now this nonesense about so-called climate change. Just another scam so that researchers can get grants to do research to prove what the payers of the grants want them to prove.
Well why is the climate changing then?
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