Face mask information.

You spend at least 8 hours in a office, wearing a mask for that length of time would be quite restrictive.

Also usually with the same people. Contact in shops is pretty random. They'd also like them to all get running again.
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If masks are so effective at stopping the spread of Covid, why weren't they made compulsory at the beginning of the epidemic.
A case of too little too late.
If masks are so effective at stopping the spread of Covid, why weren't they made compulsory at the beginning of the epidemic.
Because we had lock down and much more drastic measures. Everyone was confined to their own immediate family circle.
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Because we had lock down and much more drastic measures. Everyone was confined to their own immediate family circle.

But if masks were so effective, we wouldn't have had to lock down at all (pubs and eateries excepted of course).
But if masks were so effective, we wouldn't have had to lock down at all (pubs and eateries excepted of course).
Eh? We didn't have a 'lets all have a party and wear masks' policy back then. Rather, we had lock down and social distancing etc.
As far as I know, mass mask wearing policy has yet to be tested.
Until recently, the government wanted to dissuade the public from demanding masks.

Because they were not available.

Not because they don't work.

It seems the propaganda has, in some cases, worked too well.
From motorbikings link....

What is WHO’s view on masks?

Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives; the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19. You should also maintain a minimum physical distance of at least 1 metre from others, frequently clean your hands and avoid touching your face and mask.

Medical masks can protect people wearing the mask from getting infected, as well as can prevent those who have symptoms from spreading them. WHO recommends the following groups use medical masks.

  • Health workers
  • Anyone with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, including people with mild symptoms
  • People caring for suspect or confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside of health facilities
Medical masks are also recommended for these at-risk people, when they are in areas of widespread transmission and they cannot guarantee a distance of at least 1 metre from others:

  • People aged 60 or over
  • People of any age with underlying health conditions

Non-medical, fabric masks are being used by many people in public areas, but there has been limited evidence on their effectiveness and WHO does not recommend their widespread use among the public for control of COVID-19. However, for areas of widespread transmission, with limited capacity for implementing control measures and especially in settings where physical distancing of at least 1 metre is not possible – such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or crowded environments – WHO advises governments to encourage the general public to use non-medical fabric masks.
I can remember a, not being able to get a mask for love of money, and b, being told that they should go to frontline staff because of shortages when the lockdown started. But masks now are worth a try, three reasons, asymptomatic carriers, we're leaving lockdown and because the gov realise/accept now how much this virus hangs in the air indoors, seems to be much finer particles than originally thought. We have had compulsory mask wearing on public transport for a while, if it was advised there, it should be advised in other indoor public spaces shouldn't it?

Other countries encouraged the use of masks for the general public outdoors, some made it compulsory, over a 100 other countries. At the end of the day, time will tell if it really helps and it's no biggie to have to wear one while shopping for a short while. Better to be cautious isn't it? Even if it ends up being of limited help. It's not even anything more than a mild inconvenience.
For all those who think that wearing a mask lowers your oxygen level, check out this video


spoiler alert:

wearing a mask doesn't lower your oxygen levels
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