Face mask information.

"Mr Hancock told Sky News: “You do need to wear a face mask in Pret because Pret is a shop.

“If there’s table service, it is not necessary to have a mask. But in any shop, you do need a mask. So, if you’re going up to the counter in Pret to buy takeaway that is a shop … but if you go to your local pub you can’t go to the bar.”

But Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s official spokesman later gave an alternative explanation.

“We will be publishing the full guidance shortly but my understanding is that it wouldn’t be mandatory if you went in, for example, to a sandwich shop in order to get a takeaway to wear a face covering,” he said.

“It is mandatory … we are talking about supermarkets and other shops rather than food shops.”

Mr Hancock had defended Mr Gove by saying that the photographs were taken “before I announced the change in policy to the House of Commons” on Tuesday afternoon.

However, the pictures were taken on Tuesday morning, after the policy was announced in a press release to journalists.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who was previously criticised for not wearing a face covering during a visit to Wagamama, later came down on the side of wearing masks in Pret when he posted an image of himself during a well-covered visit to the sandwich chain."

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To all those appalled at the idea of being forced to wear a mask....

Please tell me: why wouldn't you wear one?
We did jump from advice that was yeah, but no, but, yeah but.. too compulsory. I'd have liked to have been given the chance to decide to wear a mask.

I haven't seen the legislation yet, but I've been told there is a get out in it, which basically allows you to decide not to.
Going on the beeb news they are making it compulsory as the take up is too low. They have mentioned wearing them in shops several times on the briefs also in confined places where distancing isn't possible. So if some one doesn't there is talk of a fine. Couple of reasons for not wearing which have been mentioned. People with breathing difficulties and also autistic people. As there are some idiots about maybe not wearing them will need a note from the docs at some point.

It's obvious where they do want people to wear them SHOPS not places people eat in.
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To all those appalled at the idea of being forced to wear a mask....

Please tell me: why wouldn't you wear one?

Because it is of marginal benefit at best, no benefit in all likelihood, and quite probably will make things worse?
Plus, you only have to open your eyes to see the inconsistencies in the reasoning behind it.
Plus, you only have to open your eyes to see the inconsistencies in the reasoning behind it.

;) Keep them shut then.

:) But infected people breath out of their mouths not their eyes. Best stay away from anyone who is crying.

Boris bungled and apparently now there is a difference between an office environment and a shop place...

Where workers don't have to wear a mask but shoppers do...

A complete and utter farce!
I can see the logic.

You spend at least 8 hours in a office, wearing a mask for that length of time would be quite restrictive. In an office you can manage space and crowds more easily. For shops its a lot harder.
I can see the logic.

You spend at least 8 hours in a office, wearing a mask for that length of time would be quite restrictive.

A mask to some or greater degree negates any benefit of social contact and proximity.

So, why would you think that being "face" to "face" with someone (with many disadvantages, and not - insignificant health risks) be in any way a desirable state of affairs?
I'm happy enough to wear masks. Time will tell if they have any benefit in the bigger sense, but as the information/advice is changing as they learn more I'll play ball. It's just half an hour around tesco, no biggy. It's probably better for the staff at the supermarket anyway, they've worked throughout this virus and flippin hard at times - it feels like the least I can do is try and keep them safer.

I do think there is zero logic as to why pubs, restaurants etc are open and obviously no masks but I guess businesses are more important than health. There's been zero logic throughout the handling of this pandemic anyway so I shouldn't expect any difference now :whistle:
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