Farage this morning

What made me laugh is that at yesterday's UKIP manifesto launch, someone complained that there were too many immigrant UKIP members at the event.

Isn't it normally not enough?
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The budget deficit was a record £153 billion under labours watch 2008-9.

Now its down to £90 billion thanks to the tories.
The last thing this country needs is labour loons at the helm.

My wife and I were discussing this possibility and trying to think if there is ANYTHING AT ALL of benefit in voting for the Labour party.

It then occurred to us that if they do get in this time interest rates are more than likely to go sky high (again) but, as our mortgage is just about paid off, that might be to our benefit regarding investments and pensions!

Of course, apart from economics they would be an absolute disaster for the country: even more oversubscribed hospitals and schools, for example, so we shall certainly not be voting for them.
I'm of the view that we've come this far and must now go on. As Winston once said; when things get tough, keep going'. Or something like that? A return to profligate spending and borrowing would be a disaster. And I would like a vote on Europe and the Tories are the only way that can happen.
The budget deficit might have come down a bit under the Tories, but the National Debt has doubled. The deficit reduction simply means we are going bust just a little less quickly - but going bust is a mathematical certainty.
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The budget deficit might have come down a bit under the Tories, but the National Debt has doubled. The deficit reduction simply means we are going bust just a little less quickly - but going bust is a mathematical certainty.
Debt will continue increasing until the deficit is eliminated. That has nothing to do with the Tories - it would be the same for any government.
Basically, the Tories have doubled our credit card bill. Thanks for that David. Well done mate. We are bust. We pay 70 billion per year just to finance the debt. We're done for.
The budget deficit might have come down a bit under the Tories, but the National Debt has doubled. The deficit reduction simply means we are going bust just a little less quickly - but going bust is a mathematical certainty.

So why don't we just have done with it and join the Euro club? :LOL:
We pay 70 billion per year just to finance the debt. We're done for.
Then let's get together with the rest of the world and refuse to pay extortionate interest or -

default on China and make our own goods.

Oh, wait a minute, isn't it all a con?
We pay 70 billion per year just to finance the debt. We're done for.
Then let's get together with the rest of the world and refuse to pay extortionate interest or -

default on China and make our own goods.

Oh, wait a minute, isn't it all a con?

(Kryten voice on.)
An excellent suggestion, sir, with just one minor problem:
China can manufacture goods for a fraction of the cost that we can!
Yes but when the west goes bust then China has no customers so China goes bust. China gets loads of raw materials from Australia so Australia goes bust.
Yes but when the west goes bust then China has no customers so China goes bust. China gets loads of raw materials from Australia so Australia goes bust.

Perhaps you're right.

I wonder whether it all boils down to one question: which country (or countries) is capable of functioning in isolation from others, if any?

The way the EU is going, I believe that unless something is done West Europe is quite likely to go bust. Hopefully, though, that may not mean ALL of 'The West' will.

I suspect that the US might just manage to exist in isolation. Germany? Japan?
I would like a vote on Europe and the Tories are the only way that can happen.

What? You actually believe them? :LOL:
The only thing I believe for sure is the Sun will come up tomorrow. A Europe vote is high on my list and the options for that come down to a choice of one. If we don't get one now the next Labour/Scot/Limp government will make sure we never will. They'll take us so far up the Europe sh1thole we'll be beyond the point of rescue.
I see two possible means of escape.

1. UKIP gain enough seats to bring about, in concert with those Conservatives who agree with them, an imminent and straightforward in-out referendum in which, hopefully, a majority of voters will opt for the UK to leave.

2. By one means or another, the EU will collapse due to the wishes of Eurosceptics throughout Western Europe (needless to say, East Europeans would far prefer to remain in the EU).

Certainly, I am of the firm opinion that the longer we remain subject to rule from Brussels, the worse it will be for our nation. Interesting times ahead, if nothing else.
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