Global Warming and Pollution

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I don’t dispute her huge achievement raising awareness and becoming a celebrity climate campaigner. I’m explaining why she is disliked by so many. Someone who criticises others but offers no solutions, doesn’t add much value. Her celebrity headline grabbing status may detract from others who have a valid contribution that needs air time. A world full of protesters won’t fix the problems.

Greta Thunburg isnt disliked by so many.

She is widely disliked by brexiteers, right wing voters and right wing press including Telegraph, Daily Mail, Express.

Look at the posters on this forum, it is all brexiteers that complain about Greta.
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The web is full of news articles form left, right and centre that confirms opinion is divided. What seems a common theme, is those on the left think Greta haters are all on the right.

it’s human nature to adopt a them and us attitude. From my point of view I can see why people aren’t all switched on to her media style. I treat it with the same contempt as celebs who travel the world getting the message out as if someone appointed them as spokesperson.

it would be nice if she used her brand to promote those who do real work on the issue, but we don’t see much of that.
The guardian concludes its Right wingers who hate her, the FT says middle aged men, the daily mail calls out her Atlantic crossing as a publicity stunt given 4 crew apparently flew in.

There seems to be a view from the left, that because trump bullies her all who dislike her must be trump fans.

I’m sure you can be creative with your Google searches to find the opinions.
I'm pretty right wing on most things, and I'm a fan of Greta, I think she is doing more good than harm, she seems to know whats needed and what we should be doing.
she offers no practical solutions only anger towards those she blames for the problem.

The one thing we need to do is slow down our population expansion. Reducing carbon footprint by 25% is worthless if we double our size in another 30 years.
May be there are no practical solutions, for me she is correct we need to stop burning fossil fuels now. We may be very close to these so called tipping points and if we pass one of those then we will be plunged into utter chaos. Yes stopping fossil fuels in lets say the next 5 years would lead to chaos, but nothing like the chaos when we get significant climate change. We're teetering on the edge of disaster and we are too selfish and greedy (and that includes me) to do anything about it.

I'm a big fan of Thunberg, her Asperger's seems to give her a sharp focus on reality, power to her bow. (and I say that as a mostly well right of centre middle aged bloke)
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