Johnson Sinks to New Low

Sniping at Starmer, accusing him of failing WRT the Savile case.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
Im a bit late to the party. :rolleyes:

But how can stating a fact be "disgusting behaviour"

Just because you don't like the fact, don't like to hear the fact, can't accept the fact does not make it disgusting.
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Is it a "fact"?
Of course it is. Starmer had previously admitted his failing.

The bizarre thing is, the hypocritical thing is, Starmer never resigned, never took responsibility for the failings of those he managed and was responsible for. And yet, there he is calling for someone else's resignation for the failings of others. :rolleyes:
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You first.

You assert that some (unspecified) thing is a "fact."

Tell us what you think the "fact" is.
You first.

You assert that some (unspecified) thing is a "fact."

Tell us what you think the "fact" is.
It's a fact that you know you have already lost the argument.

It's a fact that you are shying away from the facts.

It's a fact that Starmer had responsibilities is his previous job.

Take your pick if which fact you prefer. But selecting the fact you prefer does not make the other facts not facts.
The Levitt enquiry weren't impressed that in 2010 the CPS deleted all records of the Savile case (strange that). Starmer has been clear that the responsibility for any supposed failings in Govt lies with Johnson, he's the boss after all.

It's sad and rather pathetic that he feels that any failing in the CPS whilst he was Director, and there were many huge failings other than the Savile case, are somehow **** all to do with him.

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It's a fact that you know you have already lost the argument.

It's a fact that you are shying away from the facts.

It's a fact that Starmer had responsibilities is his previous job.

Take your pick if which fact you prefer. But selecting the fact you prefer does not make the other facts not facts.
You could just stop swerving and tell us what the "fact" that you're convinced is a "fact" but won't tell us what that "fact" is, actually is.
The Levitt enquiry weren't impressed that in 2010 the CPS deleted all records of the Savile case (strange that). Starmer has been clear that the responsibility for any supposed failings in Govt lies with Johnson, he's the boss after all.

It's sad and rather pathetic that he feels that any failing in the CPS whilst he was Director, and there were many huge failings other than the Savile case, are somehow **** all to do with him.

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At least you have linked to posts that show the comparison is stupid. You might also appreciate a comment that Starmer made.It's a problem the law as, A saying B did this is not enough to prosecute anybody and never will be unless maybe B is a terrorist. So rather than whining about a stupid comment your hero made why not go and find what was done to try and stop the same thing happening again.
At least you have linked to posts that show the comparison is stupid. You might also appreciate a comment that Starmer made.It's a problem the law as, A saying B did this is not enough to prosecute anybody and never will be unless maybe B is a terrorist. So rather than whining about a stupid comment your hero made why not go and find what was done to try and stop the same thing happening again.

So why did Starmer apologise on behalf of the CPS? And by the way, I'm not whining, Johnson's not whining, it's stupid people like yourself who are whining, grow up.
So why did Starmer apologise on behalf of the CPS? And by the way, I'm not whining, Johnson's not whining, it's stupid people like yourself who are whining, grow up.
You never stop whining.
It's sad and rather pathetic that he feels that any failing in the CPS whilst he was Director, and there were many huge failings other than the Savile case, are somehow **** all to do with him
The only thing sad and pathetic is how low you will stoop in your desperation to support Johnson the liar.

what a damn shame he is now a dead man walking. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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