Johnson Sinks to New Low

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there were many huge failings

  • Decided not to prosecute John Worboys for 75 sex assaults
  • Yet spent four years failing to prosecute 23 Sun journalists
  • Insisted on prosecuting Paul Chambers for making a light-hearted joke on social media (the infamous Twitter joke trial)
  • Failed to build a case against Jimmy Savile and forced to apologise after being damned by report into failings
  • Repeatedly championed the innocence of convicted murder who later admitted that he was actually guilty
  • Failed to prosecute police officer who killed newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson
  • Ordered the CPS in Wales to drop the prosecution of a primary school teacher who had been accused of sexting a 16 year old boy, who went on to commit suicide
  • Damning report into Starmer’s tenure at the CPS showed it was performing well below the necessary standard, with the report attributing part of the blame to a ‘overload of initiatives’ from the CPS’ national leadership
  • Survey of CPS staff found that just 12% of them thought that the organisation was being well managed under Starmer’s leadership
  • Accused of reopening a spurious sex abuse case involving a friend of Tom Watson – the accused was cleared in an hour
  • Chose not to prosecute two doctors accused of carrying out abortions on grounds of gender
You could just stop swerving and tell us what the "fact" that you're convinced is a "fact" but won't tell us what that "fact" is, actually is.
Lol. Swerving.

You created the thread and OP, and you are not even aware of the facts, of the past? Jesus, talk about chatting nonsense.

Starmer was head of the DPP between 2008 and 2013. He ran the public department that made the decision not to charge Savile. There was lots of evidence.

Subsequently, the QC who carried out the review of the whole Saville thing, was critical of how the case had been handled by the DPP - whose boss was Starmer.

In 2013 the CPS admitted that it and several police forces had missed opportunities to take action action against Saville.

A report by the CPS (CPS is run by the DPP) slammed failings by certain police forces between 2007 and 2009 and admitted the case against Savile was "a strong one".

Starmer apologised for the failures and described the Savile scandal - "I have apologised to the victims"
I think Woody is telling us that the man at the top is responsible for what goes on beneath.

So he'll be adding the Prime Ministers and the Home Secretaries.

I wonder if Starmer lied to Parliament and to the nation about these matters.

Like Johnson does.

Who's the man in charge of Downing Street?
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I think Woody is telling us that the man at the top is responsible for what goes on beneath.

So he'll be adding the Prime Ministers and the Home Secretaries.

I wonder if Starmer lied to Parliament and to the nation about these matters.

Like Johnson does.

Who's the man in charge of Downing Street?

Exactly, always been the case, always will be be the case. Unless you're a lefty.
I think Woody is telling us that the man at the top is responsible for what goes on beneath.

So he'll be adding the Prime Ministers and the Home Secretaries.

I wonder if Starmer lied to Parliament and to the nation about these matters.

Like Johnson does.

Who's the man in charge of Downing Street?
Did you read my mention of hypocrisy? Or are you a goldfish?

Let your mate Gallowway remind you ...
"So: Johnson is responsible for the actions of Downing St staff but Starmer is not responsible for the staff working for the DPP. Right..."
Are you suggesting that Starmer lied to Parliament and the nation about these matters?
Are you suggesting that Starmer lied to Parliament and the nation about these matters?
I will suggest that you can't read, or in the alternative can't understand.

No further questions m'lud.
Never take to much notice of party members

these people actually pay money to join a political party :confused:

Yes exactly o_Oo_Oo_O
Did Starmer go on the telly and say to the nation "You must not do this" and then go and do it himself?
Let's remind ourselves about this thread.

"Sniping at Starmer, accusing him of failing WRT the Savile case.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour"

That's seems to be about Starmer. About him falling in the Saville case. About Johnson stating that fact and which the OP found "disgusting".

The OP describes this fact as being disgusting. Which is bizarre considering it's TRUE. Yes, Johnson's statement is true, and the usual libtards are faux offended - not that's it's TRUE, but that it's been mentioned.
Let's remind ourselves about this thread.
Yes, let's.

Disgusting and habitual liar uses reprehensible tactics to deflect from his horrendous leadership, his parliamentary lying and his wilful disobedience of the rules he himself set. 15 letters of no confidence and 5 high level resignations.
Lower than a snakes' belly.

Greedy grasping lying Tory scum.
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