Local bus chaos

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30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
For months they have been struggling for enough bus drivers to run buses to schedule, with many of our local runs simply having to be cancelled at no notice. For me, with a 15 minute alternating service, it is no biggie, unless they cancel two buses in succession. My most used buses were two routes, A and B, each on a 30 minute service, both running from a local city, through my village, and onto a town. Both followed almost the same route, with slight deviation, same start and end points, passing the end of my street every 15 minutes. The two buses and routes were so similar, that drivers would often forget which bus route they were running and go the wrong way.

To cope with driver shortages, they have cancelled one of the two bus routes completely B, and instead doubled the frequency of the other A. What was a 30 minute service of the latter, has now changed to a 15 minute service. So instead of an alternating 15 minute service, we get the same bus number every 15 minutes. It makes absolutely no difference at all to me, but many have no completely lost their what was, a 30 minute bus service. Lots of passengers complaining about having to walk up to two miles to now catch bus A.

What I fail to understand, is how the change helps them resolve the shortage of drivers?
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it does not but was a good excuse to rationalise the service without being truthful.
It sounds like they've taken an unnecessary service off the route and made one bus work twice as hard. It makes sense. I'm sure folk will soon get used to the changes.
It sounds like they've taken an unnecessary service off the route and made one bus work twice as hard. It makes sense. I'm sure folk will soon get used to the changes.

Same number of buses needed, same number of drivers, just fewer passengers able to access one of the services.
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Done the same around here (Trent Barton). Many routes axed or reduced in frequency/number of stops, but some also increased. Some of the services axed have cut many people off entirely, as in whole villages.

Lack of drivers obviously a huge concern, but I'm not sure what else leads to their demise. In my experience buses are great for one-off trips, but I've found them too expensive and too unreliable to use for commuting. When I packed up driving for a while I used the train instead. We now rarely use the bus and take the train instead for speed and reliability.

When I was in Cornwall a few weeks ago, we used their buses endlessly and didn't touch the car. The fares are now capped at £5 a day (or £20 for the week). They were fantastic and generally very reliable!
Same number of buses needed, same number of drivers, just fewer passengers able to access one of the services.
But you say there's little difference between the two routes and no difference to you, so cutting one bus - two to cover the return route - saves fuel and doesn't create more pollution. All in all, i'd say it works out okay. A few people may be inconvenienced but the majority get an improved service by having one bus go by every 15 minutes instead of waiting 30 minutes.
There's evidently nothing wrong with the bus service being provided. You are obviously one of those professional complainers, I would go as far as to say that's a FACT, you complain about things needlessly. Bus drivers do a valued job and shouldn't be talked down in this way.

..and what has this thread got to do with bus drivers? Bus drivers just drive the vehicles, they do not set the schedule, nor the routes.
But you say there's little difference between the two routes and no difference to you, so cutting one bus - two to cover the return route - saves fuel and doesn't create more pollution.

No, you are still failing to understand. There is no saving what so ever.
A few people may be inconvenienced but the majority get an improved service by having one bus go by every 15 minutes instead of waiting 30 minutes.

Where the two routes deviate slightly, one will completely lose their service, the other will have a doubled service. Where the two routes deviated, passengers were fairly equal.

For me, it makes no difference at all, apart from - the old service would take me to Lidl running every 30 minutes, now the bus runs every 15 minutes. The Lidl is on a part where the two routes deviates.
But back to buses...
We have a bus strike in Hull, and Hull Fair starts tonight (lasts for a week). Oh the joy.

PS. Mods: This and other threads need sorting to remove derails.
But back to buses...
We have a bus strike in Hull, and Hull Fair starts tonight (lasts for a week). Oh the joy.

PS. Mods: This and other threads need sorting to remove derails.
I tried to take the misdirection away into a different thread.
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