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It isn't racist or islamophobic to discuss terrorism, or immigration, or Islam, or any other religion or ethnicity.

It is racist or islamophobic to generalise.
That's a sweeping generalisation, even more confused by examples in the rest of your post .

For example:
By that, I mean, to assume that all people of certain race or religion posses the same characteristics based on a few examples, e.g. that all French men wear berets,
Not racist nor islamophobic.
That'll be because you've omitted the other examples. Not particularly clever!

or all Muslims are terrorists

Please do not use "islamophobe" for people who hate muslims.
Islamophobia or Muslimophobia (see section "Terms" for related terms) is the prejudice, hatred, or bigotry directed against Islam and Muslims.
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soon it will be a criminal offence to speak the truth
It is already a civil offence to defame others.
That doesn't stop you.

There you go, straight back into the personal attacks. :rolleyes: Can you not debate a subject without personal attacks?
It isn't defamation to voice an opinion of others. It isn't defamation to suggest that the typical islamophobia inculcated on this forum is not so far removed from radicalised religious fanatics and the result could prove to be similar.

It is defamation to accuse others of being involved in terrorism without justification.
The one is an opinion presented by the speaker/writer, the other is an accusation of being involved in an illegal activity. Can you appreciate the difference?

Yet bizarrely, many of my comments about racist and islamophobic behaviour on here are regularly deleted. Whereas the regular accusations of me or anyone else being involved in terrorism are allowed to remain. So my opinions are deleted but the defamation by others is allowed to continue.
It doesn't demonstrate impartiality by the mods either. But I've learnt to live with that.

So when you resort to foul-mouth expletives to voice your opinion of me, it isn't defamation. It's not good discussion and certainly not good debating techniques either, although it may be considered offensive, it isn't an offence.
When I suggest that if you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, or even associate with ducks, it's reasonable to assume that you are a duck.
It's a saying, it's not defamation, and it's not an offence. I doubt if it could even be considered offensive.

When some accuse others of being involved in terrorism, it is defamation, and if they weren't exploiting the anonymity of social media, they would, no doubt, be receiving some form of communication from a legal representative or a representative of the law.
Well, why don't you get on with it and start legal proceedings against us?
Islamophobia or Muslimophobia (see section "Terms" for related terms) is the prejudice, hatred, or bigotry directed against Islam and Muslims.

A phobia is an anxiety disorder - an EXTREME or IRRATIONAL FEAR (fear, not hatred) of something out of all proportion to the hazard. - like small spaces, heights, outdoors, moustaches, sheep, moths etc.

That the definition in your Wikipedia link has been doctored or falsely entered merely confirms my previous assertion.
You do know, don't you? that anyone can edit Wikipedia - did you just do it?
Islamophobia or Muslimophobia (see section "Terms" for related terms) is the prejudice, hatred, or bigotry directed against Islam and Muslims.

A phobia is an anxiety disorder - an EXTREME or IRRATIONAL FEAR (fear, not hatred) of something out of all proportion to the hazard. - like small spaces, heights, outdoors, moustaches, sheep, moths etc.

That the definition in your Wikipedia link has been doctored or falsely entered merely confirms my previous assertion.
You do know, don't you? that anyone can edit Wikipedia - did you just do it?
Words of wisdom.

Any problems, legal or otherwise, just blame sooey. It works, i've done it for years.:LOL:
When some accuse others of being involved in terrorism, it is defamation, and if they weren't exploiting the anonymity of social media, they would, no doubt, be receiving some form of communication from a legal representative or a representative of the law.
Well, why don't you get on with it and start legal proceedings against us?
Who do you suggest I name as the defamer. You're exploiting the anonymity of social media. Foxtrot Oscar c/o of DIYnot perhaps.:rolleyes:
You're very much like an anonymous individual who walks down the road shouting insults at innocent people, (usually defenseless women and children).
You dare not do it to someone who can retaliate, or in a way that you can be identified, with legal action.
I bet you wouldn't dare to talk to someone's face the way you write on here, in case you get shot, with a pump action.
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