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soon it will be a criminal offence to speak the truth
It is already a civil offence to defame others.
That doesn't stop you.

There you go, straight back into the personal attacks. :rolleyes: Can you not debate a subject without personal attacks?
It isn't defamation to voice an opinion of others. It isn't defamation to suggest that the typical islamophobia inculcated on this forum is not so far removed from radicalised religious fanatics and the result could prove to be similar.

It is defamation to accuse others of being involved in terrorism without justification.
The one is an opinion presented by the speaker/writer, the other is an accusation of being involved in an illegal activity. Can you appreciate the difference?

Yet bizarrely, many of my comments about racist and islamophobic behaviour on here are regularly deleted. Whereas the regular accusations of me or anyone else being involved in terrorism are allowed to remain. So my opinions are deleted but the defamation by others is allowed to continue.
It doesn't demonstrate impartiality by the mods either. But I've learnt to live with that.

So when you resort to foul-mouth expletives to voice your opinion of me, it isn't defamation. It's not good discussion and certainly not good debating techniques either, although it may be considered offensive, it isn't an offence.
When I suggest that if you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, or even associate with ducks, it's reasonable to assume that you are a duck.
It's a saying, it's not defamation, and it's not an offence. I doubt if it could even be considered offensive.

When some accuse others of being involved in terrorism, it is defamation, and if they weren't exploiting the anonymity of social media, they would, no doubt, be receiving some form of communication from a legal representative or a representative of the law.
You really are a ****. Personal attack? Diddums mate. I was just telling the truth - if it hurts, tough.
Call me racist, or say I am the same as the terrorists because I said **** off to you then you can go **** yourself. Debate - you are so **** at it. You have repeatedly shut down debates by calling anyone and everything racist or as having Islamophobia, even if it was warranted or not. I am merely treating you with as much respect as you treat others.
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soon it will be a criminal offence to speak the truth

Stand in the street and tell the truth about the bible and you won't have a problem. Tell the truth about the Koran and you will be arrested and prosecuted. The truth is already a criminal offence.

yes,and there is other certain scripture that if spokeing out you can get arrested even now it has happened.
in russia they ban evangelism or private church meeting now, only registered churches are allowed.
Want to know who will one day rule over you? Simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.
Nearly - Voltaire
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soon it will be a criminal offence to speak the truth
It is already a civil offence to defame others.
Those who so readily accuse others of supporting/defending or participating in terrorism are doing so from a position of anonymity.
They are devoid of sensible debate, so resort to pathetic accusations, from the safety of anonymity.

It is also a criminal offence to incite racial hatred and violence. Again, those who so readily exploit the anonymity of social media to participate in criminal behaviour ought to reconsider their accusations of illegal activity in others.

i think they see you as one sided, rather than balanced in your views about makes it look like your defending the undefendable. (correction) indefensible.
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Yet another one. It's one a day!! But us 'racists' warned this would happen and we have been proved right - unfortunately. The European lefty, progressives must really hate their fellow countrymen if they are happy to see them killed and maimed in ever growing numbers just to salve their consciences. So, diversity brings mass casualties, mayhem and panic to any area it touches. Still waiting to hear what benefits it is actually supposed to bring us - as preached/promised by politicians and global business to gullible lefties.
Poor old woodbine is foaming at the mouth again and ranting as he rolls around in his special jacket.

Shame on you John for belittling the sacrifice of countless Europeans in the name of diversity and tolerance. People of you ilk are responsible for the bloodshed and mayhem we are now seeing - daily.

Thanks to cheerleaders like you for mass, uncontrolled immigration of peoples from alien cultures - the only 'special jackets' we'll soon need are flak jackets.
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He wanted to turn Europe in the third Reich. He thankfully failed.

She wants to turn Europe into the third world. Seems to be winning!
But us 'racists'
It isn't racist or islamophobic to discuss terrorism, or immigration, or Islam, or any other religion or ethnicity.

It is racist or islamophobic to generalise. By that, I mean, to assume that all people of certain race or religion posses the same characteristics based on a few examples, e.g. that all French men wear berets, or all Muslims are terrorists, or all Catholics belong to the IRA, or all immigrants are scroungers, etc
For someone who points out this unfair and unjustified generalisation to be accused of involvement in terror, is not only absurd nonsense, it's outrageous defamation.

And for those who may not have made specific racist or islamophobic comments, when you defend and excuse such comments, or those who are responsible for them, it is tantamount to defending racism and islamophobia.
As I recall the Frankfurt School only researched the existing state of social life, made predictions but did not try to influence changes is society.

Conspiracy theories started when social changes that the Frankfurt School had predicted would happen did happen. The conspiracy theorists claimed the members of the Frankfurt School had made those changes happen.

That said I could be wrong. Memories fade after 40 years. ( no t at the end of Frankfur )

EDIT This was in reply to a post that had an image listing the 11 aims of the Frankfurt School . That post has dis-appeared with explanation
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the truth - if it hurts, tough.
Truth doesn't hurt.
Ludicrous and unjustified accusations don't bother me. But I do like to point out the falsity and absurdity of those excremental comments.
And here you go again.
You know perfectly well you called me a racist with nothing to back it up.
Then you said to me that I was no better than the extremist terrorists because I told you to **** off.
When are you going to grow a pair?
Until you treat people with respect, realise that you make mistakes and own them then my response to you will always be to **** off.

So Himmy, **** off.
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It isn't racist or islamophobic to discuss terrorism, or immigration, or Islam, or any other religion or ethnicity.

It is racist or islamophobic to generalise.
That's a sweeping generalisation, even more confused by examples in the rest of your post .

For example:
By that, I mean, to assume that all people of certain race or religion posses the same characteristics based on a few examples, e.g. that all French men wear berets,
Not racist nor islamophobic.

Please do not use "islamophobe" for people who hate muslims.
I know the media does but that is either ignorance or done deliberately to malign and confuse. Please do not abet them.
It's easy enough to write {whatever}hater.
"Phobism" is a psychiatric condition.

There are only two things I hate - xenophobes and the French.

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